9/14/2018 Week of SEPTEMBER 16, 201815th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST
WELCOME Pastor David Sprang who is here this morning, from the Synod Office to lead us in our worship services this morning. I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather we’ve been having. As we start to get back to our fall and winter schedule make sure you check the schedules so you don’t miss the start up of Sunday School, Bible Classes and other events that you may be interested in. Please keep Pastor Sherry and Dan (and later Pastor Sherry’s parents) in your prayers as they are traveling. I hope everyone is enjoying the nice pictures Pastor Sherry and Dan have been sharing with on through Facebook. It certainly makes me want to go back to Paris. PASTOR SHERRY IS ON SABBATICAL THROUGH DECEMBER 4TH.
PARSONAGE HAS BEEN BURNED AND IS EXCAVATED Be sure to take a look at how nice the area now looks. We need your help in thinking about ways that we can grow the land and ministry through this empty space…we look forward to hearing from you. Share your ideas with council or put them in on the large paper in the upper fellowship area. NOISY OFFERING : This month the noisy offering will be going to the ELCA Mission Field. The money will go to the churches in the Ukraine, Papua New Guinea and Haiti to help rebuild infrastructure as well as schools and churches. ALTAR FLOWERS this morning are placed in thanksgiving to God for our many blessings. BULLETINS this month are given by Gary and Bev Engel in celebration of life. Dedications for both the bulletins and the flowers are found at SIGN UP CENTRAL in the green notebook. $10 for flowers and $10 for bulletin dedications. Each week our flowers are donated to Flowers for Friends to be distributed throughout the community. THANKS BE TO GOD FOR OUR VOLUNTEERS Please check the volunteer schedule in the green binder at the sign up table. The volunteer list beginning January 2018 is available in the green notebook. Please cross your name off of the list if you are unable to volunteer. If you can find a substitute please fill in the name. If you can’t find one, let the office know. Sunday, September 16th 8:30AM: Greeter: DeWayne & Joan Cox; Usher: Marilynn Smith; Lector: Skylar Smith; Cantor:; Acolyte:; Assistant to the Minister: Sue Finley; Head Usher:; Coffee Hour: Joan Cox 10:00AM: Greeter: Marty & Heather Engel; Usher: David & Kasi Meckstroth; Lector: Marty Engel; Acolyte: ; Head Usher: Melissa Hansen; Cantor:; Assistant to the Minister: David Meckstroth; Coffee Hour: Heather & Bev Engel; Counters: Mary Kay O’Donnell & Gary Engel; Bread Baker: Melissa Hansen; Recycling: Cones Family; Nursery: Olivia Nolff Sunday, September 23rd 8:30AM: Greeter: Jim & Cynthia Knibbs; Usher: Jeff & Karen Hamal; Lector: David Klinger; Cantor:; Acolyte:; Assistant to the Minister: Lois Ulrich; Head Usher: Don Honaker; Coffee Hour: Sue Finley 10:00AM: Greeter: Gary & Bev Engel; Usher: Trudy Day; Lector: Kathy Rusche; Acolyte: Eli Popp; Head Usher: Gary Engel; Cantor:; Assistant to the Minister: Ernst Rusche; Coffee Hour: Ginny Rogers & Dianna Tahtinan; Counters: Bryan Young & mike Smith; Bread Baker: Jean Smith; Recycling: Cones Family; Nursery: Olivia Nolff SIGN UP FOR FALL and WINTER WORSHIP VOLUNTEERING AS SOON AS YOU CAN! Check the Green notebook for volunteer times that need volunteers! Summer is always chaotic so if you sign up first, Pastor Sherry will fill in the volunteers with the time and talent sheets. BIRTHDAY & ANNIVERSARY Birthdays: September 19: Carolyn Norton; September 21: Paul Weaver; September 22: Joy Chaveriat September 24: Sommer Poquette Anniversaries: MARK THE CALENDAR: When using the church building for meetings etc. please mark the day and time on the calendar, on the bulletin board by the women’s bathroom, so a reminder can be put in the announcements. It is important for the office to have this information. CHOIR & CHIMES NEWS: The choir will be practicing starting September 19th at 6:60PM to 8PM. The chimes people will be practicing starting September 26th, at 6PM-7PM. New members are always welcome. Join the choir, the chimes, or both! PAPER PANTRY: We are continuing to service around 60 people each time. Please remember the paper pantry operates on donations of items or money. Without your gifts we could not continue this project. The people are so thankful for what they receive. We could always use help setting up or handing out items. It is very rewarding to see how happy we make people. Let the office know if you can help. SOUP KITCHEN NEWS: We made it through August. The people that came for lunch were very thankful for all the wonderful food that you all prepared. We would like to thank everyone who helped serve or made food in August. Without your help we couldn’t do this outreach service. So, take a break, September is our off month. Sit back and think about what you may like to fix in October. Once again, thank you to each person who helped. CONTACTS: While Pastor Sherry is gone these people will be helping:
EQUIPPING LEADERS FOR MISSION AND MINISTRY: Equipping leaders for Mission & Ministry (ELMM) is a three-year process consisting of 12 retreats and 6 skill days. Interested persons may attend a retreat to more fully understand how the program works. They meet next on September 28-29 at St. Peter, Battle Creek and again on October 26-27 at Faith, Saginaw. Register by August 31: [email protected]. There is a flyer on the bulletin board by the women’s bathroom with more information. Talk with Jean Smith, she has taken these classes and is our Lay Minister. WALK TO END ALZHEIMER’S will take place on September 15, starting at the Great Lakes Center for the Arts. If you would like to have a team in the walk, this is the link: http://act.org/site/TR/WALK2018/MI-GreaterMichigan?fr id=11284&pg=entry If you have questions contact Toni Cone at 231-838-4294. MIDDLE AND SENIOR HIGH YOUTH GROUPS will meet today, September 16th at 11:30AM-1:30PM at the church for lunch of pizza. After lunch we will play some games and have some great fun. Please bring $5.00 to help cover the cost of the pizza. If you have any questions please call Kasi Meckstroth at 231-420-6660. THE GATHERING for Senior High Youth Groups will be held at the Radisson Hotel in Lansing on December 27th-30th. Contact Kasi Meckstroth at 231-420-6660 if you would like to attend or get additional information . 8:15am #METOO BIBLE STUDY STARTS SEPTEMBER 17TH and will begin under the leadership of Jenny Gauthier. She will be leading the group through the study of Jesus and those Bodacious Women at 8:15AM for study at the church. Books will be available shortly. BIBLE STUDY AT 6PM STARTING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TH: will begin under the leadership of Cindy Bergstrom at her home at 2286 River Road. Her phone number is 231-838-9675. Everyone is invited and will be studying “The Beatitudes and Living the Blessed Life” books will be available through Cindy. SUNDAY SCHOOL will begin today, September 16th: If your child is 4 years old up to 10 years of age please have them attend. The theme this year is Putting on the Whole Armor of God. They will be doing lots of fun things. Don’t let your child miss out. If you would like to have more information, contact Cheryll Morford at 231-838-0502. NORTHERN MICHIGAN CHORALE on November the 17th & 18th, 2018 will be presenting their holiday concerts “The Gift of Song” at the Great Lakes Center for the Arts. Mini Photo Session and Church Soup Pot Luck - October 21st - Sign Up Today! All the details can be found here: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLScVpBu9LNR5nJtklK…/viewform FINANCIALS FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 2018: THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR TREASURES Income Need Difference General Fund 8,191.54 10,121.81 1,930.27 Synod Benevolence 372.00 Property Fund 788.00 1762.50 (974.50) 9,351.54 11,884.31 (2,904.77) Comments are closed.
September 2020