5/15/2019 May 15th, 2019ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR THE WEEK OF May 19, 2019
ONE SERVICE ON MAY 26TH AT 930AM BIRTHDAYS May 19: Rob Manges; May 20: Brad Backus, Judd Colby; May 21: Jonathan Norton; May 22: Ron Morgan ANNIVERSARIE CHOIR 10:00: "You Raise Me Up" CHIMES 10:00: NOISY OFFERING: PAPER PANTRY: This month we will be collecting donations through the noisy offering for the Paper Pantry which serves anyone in the community who is in need. Each client receives a bag of goods including toilet paper, paper towels, trash bags, soap, and other items such as dish soap and laundry detergent, shampoo and conditioners, feminine hygiene products and other types of donations that the bridge card or EBT card does not allow as purchases. This helps families then use cash for gas and prescriptions, something that we used to be asked for all of the time. Thank you for giving of your time, talents and treasures as we continue to serve between 60-85 families each pantry date which are two a month. We are always looking for volunteers to help set up, serve, and clean up. We also like to have volunteers who will shop as well. Please see Bev Engel or JoAnn Wilder or Pastor Sherry. ALTAR FLOWERS this morning are placed by Dolores Wehrenberg in celebration of the birthday of Laura Wehrenberg. Birthday blessings. BULLETINS this month are given by Wayne and Priscilla Meyer. WEDNESDAY WORSHIP: Starting May 1st there will be a Wednesday evening worship service starting at 5:30PM to 6:00PM with Holy Communion. This will be a contemporary service, come as you are. SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER FOR WORSHIP HELPERS! USHERS, ALTAR CARE, ACOLYTES, ASSISTING MINISTERS, COFFEE HOUR!!!! Chose your Sunday to serve and we will fill in the blanks with other volunteers! Thank you so much for sharing your faith through service! Sign up in the God’s Work our Hands Notebook at the sign up counter. COUNCIL MINUTES FROM APRIL 8, 2019 Deb Manker, the treasurer, fixed discrepancies in the financials. Up to date financials can be found on the bulletin board. March’s income kept up with expenses for the month. BUT annually we have already spent $5000 more than our income. Committee Reports: Pastor’s report is on file. Management called for a quote on windows. Sommer Poquette will be doing video clips for the website; Parish Life report on file. Community Life: offering for April is Interfaith Power and Light. There will be an interfaith Power and Light event titled “answering the Call: An Interfaith Response to Climate Action” in Bay View at Voorhies Hall on Wednesday, June 26 7-9PM. Noisy offering will help sponsor the event; Worship and Music: no meeting this month. JoAnn Wilder will be decorating the sanctuary for Lent and Easter; Visioning and Planning: Appraisers have been contacted with no reply thus far. Pastor Sherry will talk with Karie Jeisel. Pastor Sherry contacted ELCA requesting a visit from the synod architect for ideas/consulting. Sommer motioned to make the list of ideas for the land next door a top priority for the next meeting. IT consultant has been given to Gary Engel for questions. New Items: Jean and Mike Smith and Pastor Sherry McGuffin will be attending the Synod Assembly in May. Gordy Engdahl brought information on “Giving your IRA RMD to Charity.” Gordy will follow through to see if we can get a program for the Elderberries and then to the church. Next meeting is May 13th. Closed with prayer and adjourned at 8:22PM SENIOR HIGH MISSION PLANNING TEAM: The Senior High School Youth Group would like to take a mission trip this summer/fall. Pastor Sherry is looking for a mission planning team of adults who can help work on the trip planning. Please contact Pastor Sherry by texting at 231-881-1212 or email her at [email protected]. You do not need to be a parent to be on the planning team!!! Thank you! MARK THE CALENDAR: When using the church building for meetings etc. please mark the day and time on the calendar, on the bulletin board by the women’s bathroom, so a reminder can be put in the announcements. It is important for the office to have this information. A GREEN TEAM is forming at Cross of Christ Lutheran Church to inspire and lead in Creation Care. Green Team Members will help implement Interfaith Power & Light activities, promoting wise energy use and other creation care activities through education and action. Let’s work together to honor and protect God’s wonderful gift of nature to us! Contact Melissa (231-881-2387 or [email protected]) or MaryKay O’Donnell (269-352-7032 or mkodonnell, [email protected]) to ask questions or join. BIBLE STUDIES: The #metoo 8:15AM study led by Jenny Gauthier and Pastor Sherry. This Monday we will be learning about Mary. We are studying Bad Girls from the Bible. Tuesday night Bible Study will resume in the fall!!!! FUN AND GAME DAY: Join the group for “Fun and Games” each Wednesday at 1:00PM. If you have a favorite game, bring it and teach the group how to play it. Questions, call Lois Ulrich at 231-330-8811. SUMMER BOOK READ: This summer we will read two different books: Nadia Boltz Weber’s Shameless: A Sexual Revolution (Monday, June 24th) and Barbara Brown Taylor’s Holy Envy: Finding God in the Faith of Others. (Monday, July 29th) . The discussion group will be held at the church at 5PM each given date. SHARING HOPE: Support group for anyone who has a loved one with suicidal tendencies. Second Thursday of every month, Genesis Community Center, 1124 Northmen Drive, 6:00PM – 7:30PM, contact Wendy Kuebler 231-881-7248. THANK YOU TO OUR VOLUNTEERS FOR OUR SUNDAY SERVICES! WE CERTAINLY APPRECIATE YOU! Sunday, May 19, 2019 8:30AM: Greeter: Jenny Gauthier; Usher: Jeff & Karen Hamal; Lector: Karen Hamal (Acts 11:1-18; Psalm 148; Revelation 21:1-6); Cantor: Choir; Acolyte & Head Usher: Bill Hoffman; Assistant to the Minister: Lois Ulrich; Coffee Hour: Cheryl & Dean Morford 10:00AM: Greeter: Patty Schmoldt and Cindy Bergett; Usher: Ernst & Kathy Rusche; Lector: David Rodgers(Acts 11:1-18; Psalm 148; Revelation 21:1-6); Acolyte: Josie Poquette; Head Usher: Mike Smith; Cantor: Julie Pierpont; Assistant to the Minister: Wesley Meckstroth; Coffee Hour: Gail & Preston Kloss and Ann & Jeff Ebert; Counters: Bryan Young and Sommer Poquette; Bread Baker: Sharon Scott; Recycling: Marilynn Smith Sunday, May 26, 2019 , 9:30AM 9:30AM: Greeter: Don Honaker & Sue Finley; Usher: Sue Finley; Lector: Carolyn Matzinger(Acts 16”9-15, Psalm 67, Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5); Acolyte: Head Usher: Ron Marshall; Cantor:; Assistant to the Minister: Gail Drake; Coffee Hour: Jeff & Sheri Popp; Counters: Ron Marshall & Bryan Young; Bread Baker: Jean Smith; Recycling Karie Jeisel FINANCIALS FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 2019: THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR TREASURES General 10839.43 10,130.58 708.85 Benev 289.00 - - Property 620.00 1,038.00 (418.00) 11748.43 11,168.58 (4,150.09) HERE IS WHAT’S HAPPENING IN OUR NECK OF THE WOODS! (Don’t forget to sign up on the calendar when you are planning your events.) Sunday, May 19: 8:30 &10:00AM Worship Services with Holy Communion; Children’s Sunday School 9:45AM Monday, May 20: 8:15AM Bible Study #metoo on Michal; Worship and Music; NMC Auditions Scholarship Tuesday, May 21: Wednesday, May 22: 1:00PM Game Day; 4:00PM Girl Scouts 5:30-6PM Worship Service Thursday, May 23: 9-10:30AM paper Pantry; 4:30-7:00PM Petoskey Club lower level Friday, May 24: Saturday, May 25: Sunday May 26: One service only at 9:30AM |
September 2020