8/20/2018 WEEK OF AUGUST 19, 2018ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR THE WEEK OF AUGUST 19, 2018 13th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST WELCOME To Dr. Rob Pemberton, Dentist at Dr. Stump’s office in Petoskey. Rob is our musician through August. NOISY OFFERING this month will be going to the Clean Water Projects..This month we will be supporting the clean water projects in Flint, Michigan. The water is still unclean and unsafe to drink in most of the communities hit the strongest by this disaster. The poorest of the community continue to suffer physical and mental afflictions and continue to have to pay for water that is not drinkable. Salem Lutheran Church in Flint continues to deliver and invite people to pick up as much water as they need…and this is bottled water, rain barrels and filters. Please remember Clean water as we struggle here in the Great Lakes to keep fresh water and clean water even with all of the dumping going into the lakes and the removal of water for bottled water products. ALTAR FLOWERS this morning are placed in celebration of the anniversary of Jacob and Kate Olsen by Tom and Kris Olsen. God’s blessings! BULLETINS this morning are given by Mark and Deb Manker in celebration of their anniversary. God’s blessings! Dedications for both the bulletins and the flowers are found at SIGN UP CENTRAL in the green notebook. $10 for flowers and $10 for bulletin dedications. Each week our flowers are donated to Flowers for Friends to be distributed throughout the community. THANKS BE TO GOD FOR OUR VOLUNTEERS Please check the volunteer schedule in the green binder at the sign up table. The volunteer list beginning January 2018 is available in the green notebook. Please cross your name off of the list if you are unable to volunteer. If you can find a substitute please fill in the name. If you can’t find one, let Pastor Sherry know. Nursery: Olivia Nolff Sunday, August 19th 8:30AM: Greeter: Trudy Day; Usher: Gordon & Lynn Engdahl ; Lector: Marla Hofmann; Cantor:; Acolyte:; Assistant to the Minister: ; Head Usher: ; Coffee Hour: Gordon & Lynn Engdahl and Fred & Sandy Bernier 10:00AM SERVICE AT THE BAY 10:00AM: Greeter; Usher:; Lector:; Acolyte: ; Head Usher:; Cantor:; Assistant to the Minister; Coffee Hour; Counters: Mike O’Donnell and Carolyn Matzinger; Bread Baker: ; Recycling: Lind/Ryan Family; Nursery: Olivia Nolff Sunday, August 26th10:00AM: Greeter: Feeley Family; Usher: Jeff & Karen Hamal; Lector: Karen Hamal; Acolyte:; Head Usher: Mike Smith; Cantor:; Assistant to the Minister: Jean Smith; Coffee Hour: Dagny King and Gail Kloss; Counters: Bryan Young and Melissa Hansen; Bread Baker: Sharon Scott; Recycling: Lind/Ryan Family; Nursery: Olivia Nolff SIGN UP FOR FALL and WINTER WORSHIP VOLUNTEERING AS SOON AS YOU CAN! Check the Green notebook for volunteer times that need volunteers! Summer is always chaotic so if you sign up first, Pastor Sherry will fill in the volunteers with the time and talent sheets. BIRTHDAY & ANNIVERSARY Birthdays: August 23: John Norton; August 24: Stan Friesen, JoAnn Wilder; August 25: Shawn Connin Anniversaries Sommer & John Poquette August 24 (16 years) MARK THE CALENDAR: When using the church building for meetings etc. please mark the day and time on the calendar, on the bulletin board by the women’s bathroom, so a reminder can be put in the announcements. It is important for the office to have this information. YOUTH GROUP POOL PARTY AT THE POQUETTE’S HOME HAS BEEN CANCELLED WORSHIP BY THE BAY TODAY, SUNDAY AUGUST 19, 10:00AM: Our chimes will play the Prelude and our choir sings with the Offertory (with some members of the Northern Michigan Chorale). Join us for this wonderful service. POP TABS: Cyndi Yingling has been taking the pop tabs to the American Legion. They then send them to the Kidney Foundation to help people with their treatments. PAPER PANTRY: We are continuing to service around 60 people each time. Please remember the paper pantry operates on donations of items or money. Without your gifts we could not continue this project. The people are so thankful for what they receive. We could always use help setting up or handing out items. It is very rewarding to see how happy we make people. Let the office know if you can help. SOUP KITCHEN NEWS: We have two Thursdays – August 23rd and August 30th left to provide meals. If you can help serve or donate part of a meal please sign up in the green notebook (soup kitchen tab toward the back) by the office. The dish should be delivered to the First Presbyterian Church in the lower level kitchen by 11:15AM. We have been service around 20 to 25 people each Thursday. The entrance is located directly across the street from the Crooked Tree Art Center. The people who come to receive this meal are always thankful for what you have done. What a blessing you are for providing such delicious and nutritious food! EQUIPPING LEADERS FOR MISSION AND MINISTRY: Equipping leaders for Mission & Ministry (ELMM) is a three-year process consisting of 12 retreats and 6 skill days. Interested persons may attend a retreat to more fully understand how the program works. They meet next on September 28-29 at St. Peter, Battle Creek and again on October 26-27 at Faith, Saginaw. Register by August 31: [email protected]. There is a flyer on the bulletin board by the women’s bathroom with more information. Talk with Jean Smith, she has taken these classes and is our Lay Minister. WALK TO END ALZHEIMER’S will take place on September 15, starting at the Great Lakes Center for the Arts. If you would like to have a team in the walk, this is the link: http://act.org/site/TR/WALK2018/MI-GreaterMichigan?fr id=11284&pg=entry If you have questions contact Toni Cone at 231-838-4294. SUNDAY SCHOOL, BIBLE STUDIES AND THE WOMEN’S GROUPS ARE ALL ABOUT TO START!!!! MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH FOR THE FIRST DAY OF SUNDAY SCHOOL!!! MARK SEPTEMBER 17TH FOR BIBLE STUDIES AT 8:15AM AND 6PM 8:15am #METOO BIBLE STUDY will begin under the leadership of Jenny Gauthier. She will be leading the group through the study of Jesus and those Bodacious Women at 8:15AM for study at the church. Books will be available shortly. BIBLE STUDY AT 6PM will begin under the leadership of Cindy Bergstrom’s home at 2286 River Road. Her phone number is 231-838-9675. Everyone is invited and will be studying “The Beatitudes and Living the Blessed Life” Books will be available through Cindy. PASTOR SHERRY TO LEAVE ON SABBATICAL: As Pastor Sherry prepares to leave for her sabbatical in September we have been organizing people to lead different ministries. You will receive a copy of the leadership while Pastor Sherry is gone. They synod will be providing three Sundays of preaching and presiding over Holy Communion. You will receive a letter with a full update as soon as the dates have been finalized for her travels and the pastors who will be coming in to visit. Please keep Pastor Sherry and our church in your prayers. We are truly blessed with great lay leadership! CHURCH TRIVIA: God’s Work Our Hands” is coming up the second weekend in September this year, September 9! “God’s Work, Our Hands” is an international day when the Evangelical Lutheran Churches in America and all over the world take a day to serve together…all in bright Yellow T-Shirts serving in local communities. We have served by picking up trash along the lake shore and rivers, and we also serve at the Women’s Resource Center. We work at the Gold Mine North shop where we clean, separate, price, help to organize, paint and other things to help out WRC who also helps the community. Gail Kloss is the Executive Director at the WRC and continues to make things better for our community by offering a safe place for those in situations that are harmful, unsafe, and abusive. But the WRC has a lot of other services too: 100 men campaign, day care, programs against abuse and for healthy relationships, and many more. NOISY OFFERING IN AUGUST: Will go to the Clean Water Projects. FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS FORM: A form that can be filled out with the information that you would like to use for your service can be found by the mailboxes. After you fill it out just return the form to the office and Pastor Sherry will keep it in your church file. FINANCIALS FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 2018: THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR TREASURES Income Need Difference General Fund 10622.45 10121.81 500.64 Synod Benevolence 342.00 782.75 (440.75) Property Fund 660.00 1762.50 (1102.50) 11624.45 13387.84 (1042.61) HERE IS WHAT’S HAPPENING IN OUR NECK OF THE WOODS! (Don’t forget to sign up on the calendar when you are planning your events.) Sun., August 19: 8:30AM prayer service; 10AM Festival by the Bay worship at the softball field. Mon., August 20: 7PM Council Meeting Tues., August 21: Wed., August 22: Secretary in the office 10-Noon, Paper Pantry Set Up 3:30PM Thurs., August 23: Paper Pantry 9-10:30AM, Soup Kitchen 11:15AM; secretary in the office 10:00AM-Noon Fri., August 24: Pierpont Wedding Sat., August25: Pierpont Wedding Sun., August 26: 10:00AM Holy Communion Worship Service and sending service for Pastor Sherry and Fred and Sandi Bernier MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR UPCOMING EVENTS: August 26th: Potluck meal at church as we send Sandi and Fred Bernier to their new homestead and say good bye to Pastor Sherry McGuffin as she leaves for her sabbatical. 8/4/2018 Week of August 5, 2018ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR THE WEEK OF AUGUST 5, 2018
11th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST WELCOME To Dr. Rob Pemberton, Dentist at Dr. Stump’s office in Petoskey. Rob is our musician through August. WE WOULD LIKE to welcome Pastor Sherry back from Colorado where she went out to perform the wedding of Emily Smith and Greg Vigneaux. Please keep Emily and her husband in your prayers that they have a long, happy, marriage. NOISY OFFERING this month will be going to the Clean Water Projects..This month we will be supporting the clean water projects in Flint, Michigan. The water is still unclean and unsafe to drink in most of the communities hit the strongest by this disaster. The poorest of the community continue to suffer physical and mental afflictions and continue to have to pay for water that is not drinkable. Salem Lutheran Church in Flint continues to deliver and invite people to pick up as much water as they need…and this is bottled water, rain barrels and filters. Please remember Clean water as we struggle here in the Great Lakes to keep fresh water and clean water even with all of the dumping going into the lakes and the removal of water for bottled water products. ALTAR FLOWERS this morning are placed by Boyd Manges and JoAnn Wilder in celebration of the August 8th birthday of Kirstin. God’s blessings to you on your special day. BULLETINS this month are given by Tricia Rodgers in loving memory of her JaJa on what would be his 100th birthday. Dedications for both the bulletins and the flowers are found at SIGN UP CENTRAL in the green notebook. $10 for flowers and $10 for bulletin dedications. Each week our flowers are donated to Flowers for Friends to be distributed throughout the community. THANKS BE TO GOD FOR OUR VOLUNTEERS Please check the volunteer schedule in the green binder at the sign up table. The volunteer list beginning January 2018 is available in the green notebook. Please cross your name off of the list if you are unable to volunteer. If you can find a substitute please fill in the name. If you can’t find one, let Pastor Sherry know. Nursery: Olivia Nolff Sunday, August 5th8:30AM: Greeter: Jenny Gauthier; Usher: Dean & Cheryll Morford ; Lector: Trudy Day; Cantor:; Acolyte:; Assistant to the Minister: Sue Finley; Head Usher: Boyd Manges; Coffee Hour: David & nancy Klinger and Karen Lewis 10:00AM: Greeter: John & Sommer Poquette; Usher: Ernst & Kathy Rusche; Lector: David Meckstroth; Acolyte: Teague Meckstroth; Head Usher: Melissa Hansen; Cantor:; Assistant to the Minister: Jean Smith; Coffee Hour: Bryan Young & Marshal/Matzinger Family; Counters: Bill Drake & Kasi Meckstroth; Bread Baker: Sharon Scott; Recycling: Lind/Ryan Family; Nursery: Olivia Nolff Sunday, August 12th8:30AM: Greeter: Stan & Marilynn Smith; Usher: ; Lector: ; Cantor:; Acolyte:; Assistant to the Minister: ; Head Usher: Marilynn Smith; Coffee Hour: Karie Jeisel and Cynthia Knibbs 10:00AM: Greeter: Shawn Young & Donna Smith; Usher: David Meckstroth; Lector: Dean Tahtinen; Acolyte:; Head Usher: Melissa Hansen; Cantor:; Assistant to the Minister: Dean Tahtinen; Coffee Hour: Wendy Laser & Lori Lind & Jill Ryan; Counters: Melissa Hansen & Mike Smith; Bread Baker: Sharon Scott; Recycling: Lind/Ryan Family; Nursery: Olivia Nolff SIGN UP FOR FALL and WINTER WORSHIP VOLUNTEERING AS SOON AS YOU CAN! Check the Green notebook for volunteer times that need volunteers! Summer is always chaotic so if you sign up first, Pastor Sherry will fill in the volunteers with the time and talent sheets. BIRTHDAY & ANNIVERSARY Birthdays: August 5: Mitchell Tahtinen; August 8: Glenna Arends, Kirstin Manges; August 11 Heather Engel; August 12: Kris Olsen Anniversaries: August 2: Collin & Emily Somerville; August 5: Bill & Marla Hofmann; August 8: Burnell & Karen Roberts MARK THE CALENDAR: When using the church building for meetings etc. please mark the day and time on the calendar, on the bulletin board by the women’s bathroom, so a reminder can be put in the announcements. bathroom. It is important for the office to have this information. YOUTH GROUP POOL PARTY AT THE POQUETTE’S HOME The Poquette’s are hosting a pool party for the youth on August 19th from 12-3PM Hotdogs, chips, watermelon will be provided. Bring your own drinks, sunscreen and smiles! If a little one is in diapers please make sure they have a swim diaper on and life jacket/swimmies. If little ones cannot swim, the adult must be with them. The party is at 2877 Cemetary Rd, Petoskey. RSVP to Sommer Poquette 231-838-6236 with the total in the party. If it is rainy the party will be cancelled and rescheduled. LOIS ULRICH had foot surgery. Family members will be helping her the next two weeks, after that she may need help with meals. Please remember her in your prayers. SOUP KITCHEN: August has five Thursdays and Cross of Christ is responsible for four of those Thursdays. If you can help serve or donate part of the meal be sure to sign up in the green notebook by the office. It is important to sign up early so the people responsible for the luncheon will know that it is covered. Thank you in advance for your help with this important outreach service. ELDERBERRIES: The Elderberries will meet at the Petoskey Bay View Country Club of Friday, August 10th at 12:30PM. Please call Delores Wehrenberg (231-535-2942) by Wednesday, August 8th, to let her know if you are going so she can let the country club know how many people are attending. LITTLE TRAVERSE YOUTH CHOIR benefit Sunday, August 5 at 7:30PM at the Cheboygan Opera House. Cost: $10 individuals, $25 families. Tickets are on sale now, call 231-627-5841. WALK TO END ALZHEIMER’S will take place on September 15, starting at the Great Lakes Center for the Arts. If you would like to have a team in the walk, this is the link: http://act.org/site/TR/WALK2018/MI-GreaterMichigan?fr id=11284&pg=entry If you have questions contact Toni Cone at 231-838-4294. PASTOR SHERRY TO LEAVE ON SABBATICAL: As Pastor Sherry prepares to leave for her sabbatical in September we have been organzing people to lead different ministries. You will receive a copy of the leadership while Pastor Sherry is gone. They synod will be providing three Sundays of preaching and presiding over Holy Communion. You will receive a letter with a full update as soon as the dates have been finalized for her travels and the pastors who will be coming in to visit. Please keep Pastor Sherry and our church in your prayers. We are truly blessed with great lay leadership! CHURCH TRIVIA: God’s Work Our Hands” is coming up the first weekend in September this year! “God’s Work, Our Hands” is an international day when the Evangelical Lutheran Churches in America and all over the world take a day to serve together…all in bright Yellow T-Shirts serving in local communities. We have served by picking up trash along the lake shore and rivers, and we also serve at the Women’s Resource Center. We work at the Gold Mine North shop where we clean, separate, price, help to organize, paint and other things to help out WRC who also helps the community. Gail Kloss is the Executive Director at the WRC and continues to make things better for our community by offering a safe place for those in situations that are harmful, unsafe, and abusive. But the WRC has a lot of other services too: 100 men campaign, day care, programs against abuse and for healthy relationships, and many more. NOISY OFFERING IN AUGUST: Will go to the Clean Water Projects. FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS FORM: A form that can be filled out with the information that you would like to use for your service can be found by the mailboxes. After you fill it out just return the form to the office and Pastor Sherry will keep it in your church file. FINANCIALS FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 2018: THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR TREASURES Income Need Difference General Fund 10622.45 10121.81 500.64 Synod Benevolence 342.00 782.75 (440.75) Property Fund 660.00 1762.50 (1102.50) 11624.45 13387.84 (1042.61) HERE IS WHAT’S HAPPENING IN OUR NECK OF THE WOODS! (Don’t forget to sign up on the calendar when you are planning your events.) Sun., August 5: 8:30AM & 10AM Holy Communion Service Mon., August 6: Tues., August 7: Wed., August 8: Thurs., August 9: 11:15 Soup Kitchen; 4-5:30PM Paper Pantry Fri., August 10: 12:30PM Elderberries at the Petoskey Bay View Country Club Sat., August 11: Sun., August 12: 8:30 & 10AM Holy Communion Services |
September 2020