SECOND SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY BIRTHDAYS: Feb. 25: Preston Kloss; Feb. 27: Samantha Young CHOIR 10AM service: “Let All the People Praise Thee” NOISY OFFERING: Lutheran World Hunger ALTAR FLOWERS this morning are placed in celebration of God’s love. BULLETINS this month are given by Boyd Manges and JoAnn Wilder. ANNUAL MEETING NOTES: Sunday, February 10th, our annual meeting was held. • Thanks to a quorum we were able to give thanks for the wonderful service on council of Mike Smith, Trudy Day, and Mary Kay O’Donnell. • And we welcome Gordon Engdahl to council. • If you would like to join our council we still have two spaces. We also need a council secretary. Please see Pastor Sherry or Bryan Young for more information. • David Meckstroth has accepted the position of Financial Secretary again and Deb Manker has accepted the position of Treasurer again. We give Thanks to God for their work and faithfulness to the church. • The budget was approved with an addition of $490 (from saved money on insurance) to Pastor’s salary. • There was a good discussion about ways to increase our giving and to make people aware of all of the opportunities to give to our general fund for the purpose of outreach and ministry and care of the building and staff. Sommer Poquette has added links on our Facebook page so that giving is made easy! • Look for special stewardship meetings and ministry meetings to help us share the Gospel. COUNCIL MEETING HIGHLIGHTS FROM MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11: • Thanks be to God for Mike Smith, Trudy Day, Mary Kay O’Donnell and Marilynn Smith for their shared gifts in ministry and leadership. • Thanks be to God for Gordy Engdahl who said yes to Council! • We are looking for a council secretary and two more council positions. Please see Pastor Sherry or Bryan Young for more information • We will be ending our nursery attendant contract on March. 1, 2019 • We are ready for Lent and Holy Week . • Two more meetings for visioning of the property will happen and then we will come to some concluding plans • Worked on ideas for a balanced budget • Planning Wednesday Family Service Night from 5:30-6PM. • Management is working on repairing windows and cleaning the building. • A huge thank you to Carolyn Matzinger and team Joann Wilder and Gail Drake and the many other hands who are cleaning, painting and organizing our offices and church space. • A HUGE thank you to Mary Kay O’Donnell for hosting our gathering at her home along with Mark Grosvenor. • Agreed to quarterly meetings to discuss ministries and finances with updates. • Next meeting is March 11 at 7PM at the church. WHEN SCHOOL IS CANCELLED SO IS ACTIVITY AT THE CHURCH AND BIBLE STUDIES! MARK THE CALENDAR: When using the church building for meetings etc. please mark the day and time on the calendar, on the bulletin board by the women’s bathroom, so a reminder can be put in the announcements. It is important for the office to have this information. A GREEN TEAM is forming at Cross of Christ Lutheran Church to inspire and lead in Creation Care. Green Team Members will help implement Interfaith Power & Light activities, promoting wise energy use and other creation care activities through education and action. Let’s work together to honor and protect God’s wonderful gift of nature to us! Contact Melissa (231-881-2387 or [email protected]) or MaryKay O’Donnell (269-352-7032 or mkodonnell, [email protected]) to ask questions or join. BIBLE STUDIES: The #metoo 8:15AM study led by Jenny Gauthier will start up again on February 11. We will be studying Bad Girls from the Bible. Bible Study “Searching for Answers” led by Cindy Bergstrom, 2286 River Road, will be changed to Tuesdays and will start on January 8th at 6PM. SENIOR HIGH YOUTH: Senior High Ski at Boyne Highlands March 3, 2019. $12 Helmet, Ski and Snowboard: look up costs online for what you need. Skiing from noon to 5PM. Lunch of soup and sandwiches provided. Sign up by texting Pastor Sherry at 231-881-1212 or signing up in the hot pink notebook by the office. EMGO GET-A-RIDE: Bus service starting January 2nd, 2019, offered by Emmet County and Straits Regional Ride. Call for reservations 1-866-731-1204 or WELCOME TO THE PETOSKEY CLUB who will be using our building every Thursday from 5:30-9PM for gathering and activity! Stop by and say hello!!! Thank you, Jill Ryan for hosting the club. FUN AND GAME DAY: Do you have the winter blues? Join the group for “Fun and Games” each Wednesday at 1:00PM. If you have a favorite game, bring it and teach the group how to play it. Questions, call Lois Ulrich at 231-330-8811. THURSDAY FREE LUNCH: February is our month so check the sign up book by the office and sign up to cook something, serve, or do both. Questions call Sue Finley at 231-881-0091. SHARING HOPE: Support group for anyone who has a loved one with suicidal tendencies. Second Thursday of every month, Genesis Community Center, 1124 Northmen Drive, 6:00PM – 7:30PM, contact Wendy Kuebler 231-881-7248. FOR THE LIFE OF THE WORLD: Sponsored by The NWLM Synod Publicly Engaged Church Table and The Holle Speaker Series. Guest Presenter: Rev. Dr. Lisa Dahill, Workshops: Samaritas – Refugee Resettlement, SEMI Synod – BRRICK (Building Racial Reconciliation in Christ’s Kingdom) registration: Sunday, February 24, 2019 8:30AM: Greeter: Keith, Betony and Ophelia Braddock; Usher: Wayne Meyer; Lector Priscilla Meyer(Genesis 45:1-11, 15; Psalm 37:1-11, 39-40; 1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50) Cantor: Acolyte & Head Usher: Gary Engel; Assistant to the Minister: Sue Finley; Coffee Hour: Joan Cox and Trudy Day 10:00AM: Greeter: Yvonne and Bud Danker; Usher: Bill and Gail Drake; Lector: Gail Drake (Genesis 45:1-11, 15; Psalm 37:1-11, 39-40; 1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50); Acolyte: Amanda Feeley; Head Usher: Jean Smith; Cantor:; Assistant to the Minister: Teague Meckstroth; Coffee Hour: Marty & Heather Engel and Irene Feeley and Family; Counters: Kasi Meckstroth and Mike Smith; Bread Baker: Karie Jeisel; Recycling Oktaveon Lind/Ryan; Nursery: Olivia Nolff Sunday, March 3, 2019 8:30AM: Greeter: Stan & Marilynn Smith; Usher: Marilynn and Stan Smith; Lector: Karen Lewis(Exodus 34:29-35, Psalm 99, 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2, Luke 9:28-36 (37-43a) Cantor: Acolyte & Head Usher: Wayne Meyer; Assistant to the Minister: Lois Ulrich; Coffee Hour: Donna Smith 10:00AM: Greeter: Mike & Jean Smith; Usher: Mike Smith; Lector: Jean Smith; Acolyte:; Head Usher: Melissa Hansen; Cantor:; Assistant to the Minister: Carolyn Matzinger; Coffee Hour: Chip & Toni Cone; Counters: Sommer Poquette & Kasi Meckstroth; Bread Baker: Donna Smith; Recycling Bryan Young FINANCIALS FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER 2018: THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR TREASURES Jan-19 What we Need: Difference General 6,440.49 10,130.58 (3,690.09) Benev 252.00 - - Property 578.00 1,038.00 (460.00) 7,270.49 11,168.58 (4,150.09) General balance includes $2,216.53 remains from received during 2016 for parish removal and improvements Benelovence balance includes $3,514.65 remaining from Clergy Renewal grant for 2018 sabatical. HERE IS WHAT’S HAPPENING IN OUR NECK OF THE WOODS! (Don’t forget to sign up on the calendar when you are planning your events.) Sunday , Feb. 24: 8:30 &10:00AM: Worship Service Monday, Feb. 25: 8:15AM Bible Study Tuesday, Feb. 26: Bible Study 6-7PM Wed., Feb 27: 1:00PM Fun & Games Get-Together, Volunteer in the office, Chimes 6:00, Choir 7:00 Thursday, February 28: 9-10:30AM Paper Pantry; Petoskey Club Club lower level 5:30-9PM ; Volunteer in the office; Pastor in Virginia for funeral Friday, March 1: Saturday, March 2: Sunday, March 3: 8:30 &10:00AM Worship Service with Holy Communion |
September 2020