PALM SUNDAY BIRTHDAYS April 14: Dakota Westbrook and Lynn Engdahl; April 16: Kathy Rusche; April 18: Cheryll Morford ANNIVERSARIES CHOIR 8:30 & 10:00 SERVICES: “Jesus Walked…Valley” CHIMES 10:00 SERVICE: “Were You There…?” NOISY OFFERING: Michigan Interfaith Power & Light’s mission is to inspire and equip people of faith to exercise stewardship of and love for all Creation. We offer practical ways to put faith into action by promoting energy efficiency, renewable energy, and other sustainable practices that lead to a cleaner, healthier, and more just world. Michigan IPL works statewide to gather and focus the immense grassroots power within Michigan’s faith communities to help them become leaders in the effort to address climate change and environmental degradation. Melissa Hanson and MaryKay Grosvenor represent our church on this board. Our church is one of the sponsors of this event and our noisy offering will go towards helping this workshop happen! SAVE THE DATE: ANSWERING THE CALL: An Interfaith Response for Climate Action Wednesday, June 26, 2019, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, Voorhies Hall, Bay View, MI The 2018 climate reports are wake-up calls for unprecedented action now to protect our children’s future. Recognizing the choice we face, come learn what we as members of faith communities can do! Creative interfaith voices will inspire and equip us to put faith into action in response to this urgent challenge. Mark your calendars, now ALTAR FLOWERS this morning are placed in celebration of the birthday of Lynn Engdahl. Birthday blessings. BULLETINS this month are given by Lori Lind. SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER FOR WORSHIP HELPERS! USHERS, ALTAR CARE, ACOLYTES, ASSISTING MINISTERS, COFFEE HOUR!!!! Chose your Sunday to serve and we will fill in the blanks with other volunteers! Thank you so much for sharing your faith through service! Sign up in the God’s Work our Hands Notebook at the sign up counter. PANCAKE BREAKFAST (ALL YOU CAN EAT) AT THE EAGLE’S CLUB EVERY SUNDAY IN LENT! PROCEEDS WILL BE GOING TO THE MANNA PROJECT AND THE BREAKFAST IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. COUNCIL MINUTES FROM MARCH 11, 2019 Financial Update. Deb Manker our Treasurer was on vacation. No report. Bryan Young had some questions that he had asked Deb and she will get back to him. Guest Karie Jeisel and Melissa Hansen shared the outcome of interest concerning the land adjacent to the parking lot. See attached for summary of ideas. They presented ideas for vacant land and suggested a progressive land moving from one idea and incorporating many. We need to come up with a time line for projects. We need to get the list smaller and prioritize. Pastor Sherry will call ELCA architect followed by the land appraisal and followed up with questions to the Church Mutual insurance company. Seeking volunteers as a team to follow through with ideas and project. HUGE thank you to Karie Jeisel and Melissa Hansen for their research and visioning with the congregation and the community. Management: Phones will be changed to Spectrum to save money. Gary Engel has an appointment with Eric Behan of Preston Feather to look at windows for the church. Parish Life: Sommer Poquette motioned to paint over the lower level mural with the permission of Sheri Meyer and previous discussions with her family. We will create a tribute to Sheri’s artwork. Kasi Meckstroth 2nd. Lynn and Gordy Engdahl will be painting. Sunday School teachers Bev Engel and Cheryll Morford will not be returning to the Sunday School classroom next year. We are so thankful for their hard work and their faith sharing with our children for over 10 years! Suggestion to Council: Fundraising through a corn hole or euchre tournament for our general fund. Looking for volunteers to plan and execute the idea. THANK YOU to Carolyn Matzinger and her crew of JoAnn Wilder, Lois Ulrich, Joan Cox, and Gail Drake for painting and cleaning and continuing to lift up our space to its full potential. Community Life: Report submitted. Add a noisy offering list to the counter’s folder in the file cabinet. Worship and Music: Report turned in. Addressed the use of bulletins. Will try to use one setting in the hymnal. New Business: We received a letter from Ron Marshall about a list of things that need to be fixed or uplifted in our church building. We are thankful for the letter and agree with the concerns. The council will respond to the letter. He shared suggestions of an energy audit (already in the works by Melissa Hansen), fixing windows, looking at costs of solar panels, more insulation and painting the sanctuary and more. MARK THE CALENDAR: When using the church building for meetings etc. please mark the day and time on the calendar, on the bulletin board by the women’s bathroom, so a reminder can be put in the announcements. It is important for the office to have this information. VIOLINS OF HOPE: Music of Terezin, Sunday, April 28, 2019 at 7:00PM at the Great Lakes Center for the Arts, 800 Bay Harbor Drive, Bay Harbor, Cost: $25, $35, $50, ages 18 and under are free. 231-487-0010 A GREEN TEAM is forming at Cross of Christ Lutheran Church to inspire and lead in Creation Care. Green Team Members will help implement Interfaith Power & Light activities, promoting wise energy use and other creation care activities through education and action. Let’s work together to honor and protect God’s wonderful gift of nature to us! Contact Melissa (231-881-2387 or [email protected]) or MaryKay O’Donnell (269-352-7032 or mkodonnell, [email protected]) to ask questions or join. EASTER PLANT DEDICATIONS ARE UP AND OUT! Plants cost $15 and there is a slip that you can put in an envelope with your check or cash. Please fill out the Easter Plant sheet as well. Everything is found in the green notebook at the sign up counter. BIBLE STUDIES: The #metoo 8:15AM study led by Jenny Gauthier and Pastor Sherry. We will be studying Bad Girls from the Bible. Tuesday night Bible Study will resume in the fall!!!! NEW GLOBAL CHURCH DIRECTORY is available with our global mission partner addresses and missionaries across the globe. This is a great family project: writing letters to teachers and schools and other mission fields from our companion synods: Honduras, Papua New Guinea and Latvia! FUN AND GAME DAY: Do you have the winter blues? Join the group for “Fun and Games” each Wednesday at 1:00PM. If you have a favorite game, bring it and teach the group how to play it. Questions, call Lois Ulrich at 231-330-8811. THURSDAY FREE LUNCH: April is our month so check the sign up book by the office and sign up to cook something, serve, or do both. Questions call Sue Finley at 231-881-0091. SHARING HOPE: Support group for anyone who has a loved one with suicidal tendencies. Second Thursday of every month, Genesis Community Center, 1124 Northmen Drive, 6:00PM – 7:30PM, contact Wendy Kuebler 231-881-7248. THANK YOU TO OUR VOLUNTEERS FOR OUR SUNDAY SERVICES! WE CERTAINLY APPRECIATE YOU! HOLY WEEK MAUNDY THURSDAY SERVICE: APRIL: 18 7:00PM at EMMANUE GOOD FRIDAY SERVICES: APRIL 19: 12 NOON AT EMMANUEL AND 7PM AT CROSS OF CHRIST Sunday, April 14, 2019 ,Palm Sunday 8:30AM: Greeter: Wayne & Priscilla Meyer; Usher: Priscilla & Wayne Meyer; Lector: Priscilla Meyer(Isaiah 50:4-9a, Psalm 31:9-16 Philippians 2:5-11, Luke 22:14-23:56 or Luke 23:1-49 ) Cantor: Acolyte & Head Usher: Wayne Meyer; Assistant to the Minister: Lois Ulrich; Coffee Hour: Priscilla & Wayne Meyer 10:00AM: Greeter: Ernst & Kathy Rusche; Usher: Boyd Manges; Lector: Marla Hofmann)Isaiah 50:4-9a, Psalm 31:9-16, Philippians 2:5-11, Luke 22:14-23:56 or Luke 23:1-49); Acolyte: Head Usher: Boyd Manges; Cantor:; Assistant to the Minister: Gail Drake; Coffee Hour Gail Drake & Marla Hoffmann; Counters: Bryan Young and Gail Drake; Bread Baker: Lynn Engdahl; Recycling Gordy Engdahl Sunday, April 21, 2019 , Easter 8:30AM: Greeter: Don Honaker/Sue Finley; Usher: Wayne & Priscilla Meyer; Lector: Priscilla Meyer(Acts 10:34-43 Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24, 1 Corinthians 15:19-26); Cantor: Acolyte & Head Usher: Marilynn Smith; Assistant to the Minister: Sue Finley; Coffee Hour: Wayne & Priscilla Meyer & Marilynn Smith 10:00AM: Greeter: Bryan Young; Usher: Ron Marshall; Lector: Carolyn Matzinger(Acts 10:34-43, Psalm 118:1-2, 14-14, 1 Corinthians 15:19-26); Acolyte: Amanda Feeley; Head Usher: Ron Marshall; Canton: Assistant to the Minister: Donna Smith Coffee Hour: Donna Smith and Ron & Carolyn Marshall/Matzinger; Counters: Carolyn Matzinger and Bryan Young; Bread Baker: Priscilla Meyer; Recycling: Wayne Meyer FINANCIALS FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 2019: THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR TREASURES Jan-19 What we Need: Difference General 6,440.49 10,130.58 (3,690.09) Benev 252.00 - - Property 578.00 1,038.00 (460.00) 7,270.49 11,168.58 (4,150.09) HERE IS WHAT’S HAPPENING IN OUR NECK OF THE WOODS! (Don’t forget to sign up on the calendar when you are planning your events.) Sunday , April 14: Palm Sunday8:30 &10:00AM Worship Services with Holy Communion; Children’s Sunday School 9:45AM; Pancake breakfast for Manna Project at the Eagle’s Club; Monday, April 15: 8:15AM Bible Study Tuesday, April 16: 4:30PM Girl Scouts Wed., April 17: 6:30-7:00PM Chimes; 7:00PM Choir at EM Episcopal Thursday, April 18: Petoskey Club lower level 4:30-7:00PM Friday, April 19: Saturday, April 20: Sunday, April 21: Easter Sunday 8:30 &10:00AM Worship Services with Holy Communion Comments are closed.
September 2020