11/9/2017 November 12-November 19, 2017ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR THE WEEK OF
November 12-November 19 ALTAR FLOWERS are placed by Dolores Wehrenberg in honor of Ellie Proffer’s birthday. BULLETINS are given by Cross of Christ Lutheran in thanksgiving for the congregation and all who volunteer in the community. Dedications for both the bulletins and the flowers are found at SIGN UP CENTRAL. $10 for flowers and for bulletin dedications. Each week our flowers are donated to Flowers for Friends to be distributed throughout the community. THANKS BE TO GOD FOR OUR VOLUNTEERS Please check the volunteer schedule in the green binder at the sign up table. The volunteer list through January 2018 is available. Please cross your name off of the list if you are unable to volunteer. If you can find a substitute please fill in the name. If you can’t find one, let Pastor Sherry know. Sunday, November 12 8:30 AM: Greeter: Fred & Sandi Bernier; Usher: Marilynn Smith & Marla Hofmann; Lector: Marla Hofmann ; Acolyte: Head Usher: Marilynn Smith; Cantor: Choir; Assistant Minister: Sue Finley; Coffee Hour: Russ & Sharon Scott, Marilynn & Stan Smith 10AM: Greeter: Ben & Wendy Laser ; Usher: Bill & Gail Drake ; Lector: Isaac Popp; Acolyte: Jackson Breakey; Head Usher: Ron Marshall; Cantor: choir ; Assistant to the Minister: Jean Smith; Coffee Hour: Janelle & Ryan Warnemeunde, Heather & Marty Engel; Counters: Gary Engel, Bryan Young; Recycling: JoAnn Wilder; Bread Baker: Sharon Scott; Nursery: Olivia Nolff Sunday, November 19 ONE SERVICE COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING 10AM: Greeter: Ben and Wendy Laser; Usher: Wayne and Priscilla Meyer; Lector: Jean Smith; Acolyte: Josie Poquette; Head Usher: Ron Marshall; Cantor: choir Assistant to the Minister: Tricia Rodgers ; Coffee Hour: COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING DINNER; Counters: Carolyn Matzinger and Dean Tahtinen; Recycling: JoAnn Wilder; Bread Baker: Sharon Scott; Nursery: Olivia Nolff BIRTHDAY & ANNIVERSARY BLESSINGS! Birthdays: November 15: Dave Meckstroth; Anniversaries: MONDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY at Pastor Sherry’s house this week. Meet at 6-7pm for dessert and Bible Study…We are heading into chapters 6-10. Bring your Bibles and a friend! All are welcome. LADIES BIBLE STUDY: Meet at Cross of Christ Lutheran church at 1PM to study the scriptures: Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18; Psalm 90: 1-12; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11; Matthew 25:14-30. Coffee and dessert will be served. Bring a friend! TIME AND TALENT SHEETS, PLEDGE FORMS, AND RESERVATION FORMS There are extra copies of all of the forms that you need on the table as you enter the sanctuary. Please fill out the forms and place them in the offering plates. Our time and talents and treasures are all gifts from God that we can return to share in the kingdom of God here and now! SETTING UP FOR THE COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING DINNER WILL BE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 BEGINNING AT 5pm Pizza and salad will be provided for the volunteers, so please let me know who is coming. If you cannot come in the evening but would rather come during the day, just write that on the volunteer sheet…there is a plenty to do! Thank you! COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING DINNER VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: we need volunteers to help set up the Wednesday, November 15th for the Thanksgiving Dinner, clean up after the dinner ends at 1:30/2PM, servers, cooks for turkeys, mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberry sauce and dinner rolls. We may need more volunteers as the registration comes in. Please sign up in the binder on the sign up counter near the office. Please contact Pastor Sherry McGuffin at the church at 231-347-5448 or by texting her at 231-881-1212 SOUP KITCHEN VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR THE MONTHS OF DECEMBER and FEBRUARY: Thank you to all who brought the delicious food to the table! Please sign up in the green 3 ring binder at the sign up center outside of the church office. ELDERBERRIES Thanksgiving meeting will be at Hidden Valley Clubhouse on November 17th at 12:30PM. Please call Lynn and Gordy Engdahl, 989-948-4022, to tell you will be coming and to find out what to bring to the dinner. FILL AN ENVELOPE FOR OUR YOUTH! Senior High Youth Gathering is in Lansing and the Middle School Youth Gathering is in Traverse City We budget $500 for our youth combined. This is helpful for our church activities, but we want to offer more to our children who are growing in faith! Please fill out an envelope so that we keep a base for our children to give scholarship and pay part of their camping and other opportunities. Thank you in advance and thank you for everything that you do every day for our children! JUNIOR HIGH CHARGE is for grades 6-8 and works with faith formation through worship, small groups and congregational time. Emphasizing service opportunities, leadership development and community, this is a great time to energize youth to return home ready to make change in the world in the name of Christ. Registration opens on November 1. Pastor Yehiel Curry will be the guest speaker and the retreat is March 16-18. Please sign up in the youth and event notebook if you would like to go or let Pastor Sherry know at [email protected] or 231-881-1212 or through the facebook event called “Junior High Charge: Great Wolfe Lodge, Traverse City.” CONFIRMATION CLASS: Classes will meet on will serve at the community Thanksgiving Dinner on Sunday, November 19th. Homework is in your family box at the church. Please see Pastor Sherry if you have not received the yearly calendar for classes, or have not received a parent letter. FINANCIALS FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 2017: THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR TREASURES Income Need Difference General Fund 7825.74 10842.59 (3016.85) Synod Benevolence 304.00 782.75 (478.75) Property Fund 665.00 1762.50 (1097.50) 10588.94 13387.84 (2,116.80) HERE IS WHAT’S HAPPENING IN OUR NECK OF THE WOODS! Sun., Nov. 12: Holy Communion 8:30AM & 10AM Sunday School (4 Years old until 5th grade) 9:30AM 15 minute meeting about Community Thanksgiving Dinner Mon., Nov.13: Chorale 6PM; Bible Study at Pastor Sherry’s home (314 W Lake St.) 6PM; Tues., Nov. 14: Yoga 6:15; DHHS 1-7PM Wed., Nov 15: Ladies’ Bible Study at the church 1PM; Chimes 6PM, Choir 7PM; DHHS 1-7PM; Set up for Community Thanksgiving Dinner at 5PM until finished. Thurs., Nov. 16: Girl Scouts 3:30-5:30; 6PM Voices without Borders Fri., Nov. 17: Elderberries Thanksgiving Dinner Sat., Nov. 18: 9:30AM Recorders; Suicide Survivors service at 7PM Sun., Nov. 12: ONE SERVICE WITH COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING DINNER. Seatings are at 11, 12 and 1PM. Please sign up for a reservation! MARK YOUR CALENDARS: ü November: Begin collecting for adopt a family at Christmas gas cards and grocery cards ü November 15: Ladies’ Bible Study at 1PM ü November 15: Set up for Community Thanksgiving Dinner ü November 18: Survivors of Suicides Service at 7PM. ü November 19, Community Thanksgiving meal ü December: soup kitchen ü December Advent suppers from around the world! ü December: Collect toys for the Women’s Resource Center Safe House ü December 18: Mail Cookies to military (we must include a list of ingredients in the batch for food allergies). See Cyndi Yingling PRAYERS REQUESTED · For those in the armed services: Michael Drake, Ryan Finley, Jeremy Hamal, Douglas Dinger, Derik Dinger. · For those of natural disasters everywhere. · For the earth in fire and flood and for all the rescue workers and victims. · Judy Morford (Dean Morford’s mother) · Bill Hofmann · Lisa Lanning (family of Tricia Rodgers) · Jim Popp (father of Jeff Popp) · Jay Richards, great uncle of Tricia Rodgers · Ken Michelsen · Mandy Meckstroth, sister-in-law to David Meckstroth · Family of Mike Smith at the death of his father Arnold Smith · Bev Engel as she heals · Sharon Scott as she heals. · Jerry Moots (brother of Bev Engel) as he heals · Lois Moots · Jan Benhase (family of the Hamals) · Leah Scott (David Meckstroth’s sister) · Craig Finley and family (brother of Sue Finley) · Nancy (friend of Lynn and Gordy Engdahl) · Sandy (friend of Carolyn Matzinger) o The Carver Family o Glenna Arends o Elliott Drake at Seminary o Shirley Miller o Nancy Wehrenberg o Bill Burke (brother of Sandy Bernier) o Ruth Koski (mother of Gail Drake) o Nan Olson (friend of Lynn and Gordy Engdahl) o Gunner (friend of Sommer Poquette) o Ron Rodgers (brother of David Rodgers) o Erica Riv Comments are closed.
September 2020