2/6/2018 February 6, 2018Greetings to you all in the name of Christ. We are a busy church and for that we are very happy! Some good news: Parsonage will be burned down either March 25th or March 31st. So we are very excited that we are finally able to move forward.
Sunday, FEBRUARY 18th is our Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser and bake sale. We need about 8 more loves of garlic bread, 15 large jars of sauce and items for the bakesale...anything is good!!! All proceeds will go to Jordan Young for her mission trip as well as to the youth for camps throughout the year. The dinner is by donation only and there will be tip jars as well. A new community Bible Study will be held at our church this coming Monday...take a look at the announcments and join! Peace to you throughout the week. Pastor Sherry McGuffin ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 11 NOISY OFFERING FOR THIS WEEK GOES TO THE KIDS CAMPING FUND The money that you offer sends our children to summer camps and the Sr. High Youth Gathering and the Middle School Gathering called Charge. The average cost per child depends on the camp. We ask parents to pay a portion of the cost, but then we supplement the cost as a congregation. Camp and gatherings are so important for the spiritual life of our children and their families and comes back to the congregation and town and helps to share the Gospel like no other ministry! Please pray about donations from the black board wall or the noisy offering to help our children experience the church through the Spirit in a new way! ALTAR FLOWERS This morning are placed in celebration of the birthday of Jane Wehrenberg by Dolores Wehrenberg. God’s blessings to you on your special day. BULLETINS are given this week by the Olsen family in celebration of the congregation. Thank you for all that you do to help and serve others. Dedications for both the bulletins and the flowers are found at SIGN UP CENTRAL in the green notebook. $10 for flowers and $10 for bulletin dedications. Each week our flowers are donated toFlowers for Friends to be distributed throughout the community. VOLUNTEER SCHEDULES ARE IN YOUR BOXES AND THERE ARE EXTRAS SITTING OUTSIDE OF THE BOXES THANKS BE TO GOD FOR OUR VOLUNTEERS Please check the volunteer schedule in the green binder at the sign up table. The volunteer list beginning January 2018 is available in the green notebook. Please cross your name off of the list if you are unable to volunteer. If you can find a substitute please fill in the name. If you can’t find one, let Pastor Sherry know. Sunday, February 11 Transfiguration Sunday 8:30 AM: Greeter: Jenny Gauthier; Ushers: Bill & Marla Hofmann; Lector: Marla Hofmann; Cantor: Choir; Acolyte: Head Usher; Assistant Minister: Sue Finley; Head Usher: Marla Hofmann; Coffee Hour: Sue Finley & Don Honaker 10AM: Greeter: Karie Jeisel & Tavi Steffel; Usher:; Lector: Bryan Young; Acolyte: Sophie Cone; Head Usher: Dave Meckstroth; Cantor: Bryan Young; Assistant to the Minister: Gail Drake;Counters: Mike Smith; Coffee Hour: Mary Kay O’Donnel & Mark Grosvenor & Melissa Hansen; Recycling: Wayne & Priscill Meyer; Bread Baker: Melissa Hansen; Nursery: Olivia Nolff Sunday, February 18 First Sunday in Lent 8:30AM: Greeter: Sue Finley & Don Honaker; Usher: Trudy Day; Lector: Trudy Day; Acolyte: Head Usher; Head Usher: Wayne Meyer; Cantor: choir ; Assistant to the Minister: Lois Ulrich;Coffee Hour: Cyndi Yingling and Ann Ebert 10AM: Greeter: Deb & Mark Manker; Usher: Tavi Jeissel and Elaina Engel; Lector: Eli Popp; Acolyte: Teague Meckstroth; Head Usher: Bryan Young; Cantor: choir ; Assistant to the Minister: Wes Meckstroth; Counters: MaryKay O’Donnell and Gail Drake; Coffee Hour: Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser for the youth and Jordan Young Mission project; Recycling: Wayne & Priscilla Meyer; Bread Baker: Melissa Hansen; Nursery: Olivia Nolff BIRTHDAY & ANNIVERSARY BLESSINGS! Birthdays: Feb 11: Brent Smith; Feb 13: Toni Cone, Charlotte Somerville, Juliet Towns-Sweet; Feb 16: Bud Danke; Feb 17: Mary Michelsen; Feb. 18: Dolores Wehrenberg Anniversaries: ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICES: Pastor Sherry will preach at noon at First Christian Church; Father Greg Brown will preach at 3:45 at Emmanuel Episcopal and at 7PM at Cross of Christ. BAKE SALE!!! Bake and sell! We will offer bakery items for sale at the spaghetti dinner…if you would like to donate baked items for sale/auction, please bring them to church by church on Sunday, February 18th or anytime during the week. CONFIRMATION MEETS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18th. This week students will be serving and helping with the Spaghetti Supper. NEW MORNING COMMUNITY BIBLE STUDY will begin on Monday, February 12 at 8:15am-9am in the upper level fellowship area. The subject is #metoo #time’sup. We will study for the 6 weeks of Lent women in the Bible who overcame. Please come with an open heart, love of coffee and people! Can’t wait to see you there! THANK YOU! Another BIG Thank You to all our volunteer church musicians who share their talents so graciously. We are preparing for our upcoming Lenten season which begins on Ash Wednesday, February 14. ALL those interested in singing please attend. Other instruments would be appreciated too... guitar, flute, chime MONDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY. Bible Study will be held at Pastor Sherry McGuffin’s on Monday, February 5th at 6 PM. 314 W Lake St. We are reading Isaiah beginning in Isaiah 46-50 and taking time for spirituality and listening to the word of God SPAGHETTI DINNER TO RAISE MONEY FOR JORDAN YOUNG MISSION TRIP TO JAMAICA AND FOR THE YOUTH CAMP YEAR. We are organizing a spaghetti dinner fundraiser for our camp scholarships and we are raising money to help Jordan Young on her mission trip through Hope College. She will be heading to Jamaica to Montego Bay to help build a center for a church. Please contact Pastor Sherry at [email protected] or 23-881-1212. Set up will be on THURSDAY evening on February 15 at 2PM. Set up for the kitchen and cooking will take place on Saturday, February 17th beginning at 10AM. Anyone who would like to decorate or help set up would be very welcomed at this event! We are in need of bread and sauce. Please see the green notebook. MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH GATHERING CHARGE! This year we are sending 5 people to the Middle School Youth Gathering in Traverse City. This is our first year to participate! Please help our campers attend. Parents have paid over half and now we are working to help pay for the rest. Our goal is to continue to supplement and send our children to the Lutheran camps which provide a unique experience with faith and formation! Please donate to the camp fund. You can donate by using one of the envelopes on the board in the upper level fellowship hall or just mark “camp” on the memo on your check. The cost is $90 per person plus hotel rooms. Thank you. WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15 at 1PM at the church. TIME AND TALENT SHEETS, PLEDGE FORMS, There are extra copies of all of the forms that you need in the green notebook in a clear folder. Please fill out the forms and place them in the offering plates. Our time and talents and treasures are all gifts from God that we can return to share in the kingdom of God here and now! SOUP KITCHEN VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR THE MONTHS OF FEBRUARY AND APRIL: Thank you to all who brought the delicious food to the table! Please sign up in the green 3 ring binder at the sign up center outside of the church office. FILL AN ENVELOPE FOR OUR YOUTH! Senior High and the Middle School Youth and Elementary School youth! Our children are beginning to sign up for Middle School Gathering and Summer camp which is open to all ages…there is even a camp for adults with special needs. Please go to elcalivingwater.com to learn more about the camps. We ask the families to pay a portion of the camp while we work to raise the money for the rest of the cost. FINANCIALS FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 2017: THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR TREASURES Income Need Difference General Fund 20875.61 10842.59 10033.02 Synod Benevolence 263.00 782.75 (519.75) Property Fund 540.00 1762.50 (1222.50) 21678.61 13387.84 8290.77 HERE IS WHAT’S HAPPENING IN OUR NECK OF THE WOODS! Sun., Feb 11: 8:30 &10AM Holy Communion; Sunday School begins for children at 9:45AM; Mon., Feb 12: 8:15AM #Metoo Bible Study at church; Worship and Music 9AM; Bible Study at Pastor Sherry’s 6-7PM Tues., Feb 13: Yoga 6:15; Voices Without Borders 6PM Wed., Feb 14:ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICES: Community service at First Christian at 12PM; Emmanuel Episcopal at 3:45; Cross of Christ at 7PM Choir at 6:15PM Thurs., Feb 15: Women’s Bible Study at 1-2PM; Set up for Spaghetti Dinner at 2PM Fri., Feb 16: Sat., Feb 17: Cooking for spaghetti supper at 10AM Sun., Feb 18: 8:30 & 10AM Holy Communion Services. Sunday school for children begins at 9:45AM; Spaghetti dinner fundraiser from 11:00-1PM MARK YOUR CALENDARS: ü February and April: soup kitchen ü February 18th Spaghetti fund raiser for camp for our children and Jordan Young’s missionary trip in February 11-1PM ü Elementary school pool party coming up!!! ü Confirmation Schedule: February 18 (serve at spaghetti dinner); March 4, March 18, April 15, April 22, May 6, May 20. PRAYERS REQUESTED · For those in the armed services: Michael Drake, Ryan Finley, Jeremy Hamal, Douglas Dinger, Derik Dinger · Steve Moreno (family of Dagny King, Gail Kloss, Dan Bays, Terri Bays, Denise Bays, Gwyn Moreno) · McKenna Scripter (friend of Pastor Sherry McGuffin) · Healing for the family of Kathy Rusche · George, friend of Tom Olsen · Jeff Hamal · Carolyn Matzinger · Jack Grosvenor at home and continuing to heal · Lorelei Konings, granddaughter of Karen Lewis during surgery. · Lynn Engdahl as she recovers from pneumonia at home · Thomas Parcher and the Martin family, family of JoAnn Wilder & Boyne Manges · Sheri, friend of Kathy Rusche · Juliana Lind, niece of Lori Lind Ryan · Oktaveon Ryan, son of Lori & Jill Lind-Ryan · Rebecca Johnson; friend of Irene Feeley · Marcia Froelich, family of Kathy Phelps-Rusche · Hefrani Smith (daughter of Dan and Maggie Smith). · Karen Clark (friend of Pastor Sherry) · Bill Hofmann · Lisa Lanning (family of Tricia Rodgers) · Jay Richards, great uncle of Tricia Rodgers · Mandy Meckstroth, sister-in-law to David Meckstroth · Jerry Moots (brother of Bev Engel) as he heals · Lois Moots · Leah Scott (David Meckstroth’s sister) · Craig Finley and family (brother of Sue Finley) · Nancy (friend of Lynn and Gordy Engdahl) · Sandy (friend of Carolyn Matzinger) o The Carver Family o Glenna Arends o Elliott Drake at Seminary o Nancy Wehrenberg o Ruth Koski (mother of Gail Drake) o Nan Olson (friend of Lynn and Gordy Engdahl) o Gunner (friend of Sommer Poquette) o Ron Rodgers (brother of David Rodgers) o Erica Riviera (cousin of Dean Morford) o Val Long, Kenny Clark, CJ, BHC (friends of T. Rodgers) o Elaine L Flesch, SEM, Magan Rodriguez, Mark France (friends of Rodgers) o Luke, Jamie, Mark, Miriam & Aaron Ulrich (family of Lois Ulrich) o Orphans in Haiti (Donna Smith) o Citizens of Flint, Detroit and Howell, whose water is also failing. o Those who are being subjected to hate and violence in this world because of racism, genderism, sexism. Comments are closed.
September 2020