2/28/2018 February 28th, 2018Greetings to you all! We are now in the third week of Lent. Everything is getting closer to a day of celebration. I see that some of signed up on the volunteer sheet for the services and I thank you in advance. That sure helps scheduling for the year! There are now blank pages through the year in there if there is a special time or service in which you would like to volunteer. The April and March volunteer schedules will be in your boxes by this Sunday. Don’t forget that you can get all of the announcements on our website as well at www.crossofchristpetoskey.com thanks to Sommer Poquette who keeps the site updated.
ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR THE WEEK OF MARCH 4 NOISY OFFERING FOR THIS WEEK GOES TO SAMARITANS Samaritans is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and works as social services for the elderly and young alike. Social ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), Samaritans is not just for Lutherans. The church has been meeting people’s needs since the early 1900s when a Lutheran "city missionary" arrived in Detroit to provide services to the poor. From the very beginning, Samaritans has reached out to individuals regardless of their religion, race, sexual orientation or ethnicity. Today, motivated to serve others as an expression of the love of Christ, Samaritans helps those in need regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or national origin. The organization was incorporated as the Lutheran Inner Mission League in 1934. Today, Samaritas spans the state’s Lower Peninsula with more than 70 program sites in 40 cities. Samaritas diverse staff share a dedication to serving their fellow humans by doing the right thing, for the right reasons, every day. There are programs in Traverse City. Take time to visit the website: www.samaritas.org ALTAR FLOWERS This morning are placed in celebration of the birthday of Alexander Kloss by his parents, Gail and Preston Kloss. God’s blessings to you on your special day. BULLETINS this week are given by Bev and Gary Engel. Dedications for both the bulletins and the flowers are found at SIGN UP CENTRAL in the green notebook. $10 for flowers and $10 for bulletin dedications. Each week our flowers are donated to Flowers for Friends to be distributed throughout the community. VOLUNTEER SCHEDULES ARE IN YOUR BOXES AND THERE ARE EXTRAS SITTING OUTSIDE OF THE BOXES THANKS BE TO GOD FOR OUR VOLUNTEERS Please check the volunteer schedule in the green binder at the sign up table. The volunteer list beginning January 2018 is available in the green notebook. Please cross your name off of the list if you are unable to volunteer. If you can find a substitute please fill in the name. If you can’t find one, let Pastor Sherry know. Sunday, March 4 Third Sunday in Lent 8:30AM: Greeter: Tom & Kris Olsen; Usher: Lynn & Gordy Engdahl; Lector: Kris Olsen; Acolyte: Head Usher; Head Usher: Wayne Meyer; Cantor: ; Assistant to the Minister:; Coffee Hour:Becky Bozell and DeWayne & Joan Cox 10AM: Greeter: Cone Family; Usher: Bill & Gail Drake; Lector: Elaina Engel; Acolyte: Josie Poquette; Head Usher: Bill Drake; Cantor: ; Assistant to the Minister: Mary Michelsen; Counters: Bill Drake and Bryan Young; Coffee Hour: Marilyn & Jim Cusenza and Bill & Gail Drake; Recycling: Cone Family; Bread Baker: Kris Olsen; Nursery: Olivia Nolff Sunday, March 11 Fourth Sunday in Lent 8:30AM: Greeter: Jenny Gauthier; Usher: Trudy Day; Lector: Gordy Engdahl; Acolyte: Head Usher; Head Usher: Wayne Meyer; Cantor: ; Assistant to the Minister: Lois Ulrich; Coffee Hour:Gary & Bev Engel and Sue Finley & Don Honaker 10AM: Greeter: Ann & Jeff Ebert; Usher: Grant and Marty Engel; Lector: Janece Clark; Acolyte: Teague Meckstroth; Head Usher: Bill Drake; Cantor: ; Assistant to the Minister: Wesley Meckstroth; Counters: Mike Smith and MaryKay O’Donnell; Coffee Hour: Ryan and Janelle Warnemeunde; Heather and Marty Engel; Recycling: Cone Family; Bread Baker: Kris Olsen; Nursery: Olivia Nolff BIRTHDAY & ANNIVERSARY BLESSINGS! Birthdays: March 5: Brian Chaveriat; March 8: Deb Manker; March 11: Priscilla Meyer Anniversaries: A LITTLE CHURCH TRIVIA FROM CROSS OF CHRIST: OFFERING ENVELOPES: Last week we learned about the BENEVOLENCE item on your envelope. Today we will take a look at the PROPERTY FUND. This fund on your envelope giving helps to manage and pay for our property. This itemized given line is for the management of our church properties including the church and the parsonage grounds. All money goes directly to fixing and upkeep of property and grounds. GENERAL FUND envelope giving goes to our daily tasks at hand, utilities, supplies, equipment updates, bulletins, devotionals, youth group activities, confirmation, Sunday school, fellowship events like dinners and the kitchen supplies, and anything else that you see in worship such as candles, banners, paraments and bulletins. So thank you for generosity…if you have any questions about your envelope giving please speak with David Meckstroth our Financial Secretary for the church. PAINT AND PIE FUNDRAISER ON MARCH 9, 6:30PM at Cross of Christ Lutheran Church. Please join us for a fun night of canvas painting. Pie and beverages will be provided. $45 for a 12x16 Canvas painting $20 deposit online upon registering at http://littleblackdressst.wixsite.com/lbds/events/paint-and-pie-fundraiser Proceeds goes towards sending our kids to Stoney Lake Lutheran Church Camp. We need pie donations that can be dropped off by Friday, March 9 at 5pm. Contact Kasi Meckstroth if you have any questions: 231-420-6660 DURING LENT…HERE IS A GOOD CHALLENGE Let’s try this together during this time of Lent and then end it the week of Easter! “DAY OF SACRIFICIAL GIVING” We invite you to give one week more than you have ever given in offering to the church during Lent. For some that might mean giving a tithe for the first time…for others it might mean increasing our giving for one week to the breaking point…to a point of faithful discomfort. Prayerfully we will be able to continue this as a time of the Lenten discipline journey! ELDERBERRIES will meet March 9th at the Perry Hotel at noon for lunch followed by a short meeting. Everyone who is retired is welcomed to come and encouraged to come! Ministry from this group is wonderful and the fellowship a blessing. MAIL BOXES HAVE BEEN UPDATED!!! Mail boxes have been rearranged a little and updated! Thank you to Karen Lewis who shared her time and talent and organizational methods with us! If you are missing box, please let us know so that we can update your spot! CROSS OF CHRIST DIRECTORY Using all of the information that we had in the data base the directory was printed. We will send out an updated page in two weeks with people whose information did not print or those for whom we did not have information at the time of the printing of the directory. You will receive this update on a separate page in your box so that you can simply staple it to your directory. CONFIRMATION MEETS SUNDAY, March 4. Spaghetti lunch will be served at 11:30 and we will dive into the characters of the New Testament. Bring your Bible and new books. NEW MORNING COMMUNITY BIBLE STUDY on Monday, March 5 at 8:15am-9am in the upper level fellowship area. The subject is #metoo #timesup. We will study for the 6 weeks of Lent, women in the Bible who overcame. Last week we Amnon and Tamar. This week we will study some of the unnamed women in the New Testament. Look up these stories: Roman’s 16:13; Matthew 9:18-25; Acts 21:8-9; Matthew 18:14-17; Matthew 18:25; John 4. Please come with an open heart, love of coffee and people! Can’t wait to see you there! Join us live on line if you are away and can’t make it here…you can type in comments and questions as we go! THANK YOU! A BIG Thank You to all our volunteer church musicians who share their talents so graciously. We are preparing for our upcoming Lenten season. ALL those interested in singing please attend. We practice on Wednesday evenings, chimes at 6:30 PM and choir 7PM. Other instruments would be appreciated too... guitar, flute, chime MONDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY will meet at Pastor Sherry’s home as we begin the conclusion of Isaiah. Light munchies provided. We will begin the New Testament book The Revelation of John. MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH GATHERING CHARGE! This year we are sending 5 people to the Middle School Youth Gathering in Traverse City. Our children leave soon and so please keep our Middle school participants: Teague Meckstroth, Seth Popp and Eli Popp in your prayers. We have two adults going as well: Kasi Meckstroth and Sheri Popp. Please keep them in your prayers! SOUP KITCHEN VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR THE MONTHS OF APRIL AND JULY: Thank you to all who brought the delicious food to the table! Please sign up in the green 3 ring binder at the sign up center outside of the church office. FILL AN ENVELOPE FOR OUR YOUTH! Senior High and the Middle School Youth and Elementary School youth! Our children are beginning to sign up for Middle School Gathering and Summer camp which is open to all ages…there is even a camp for adults with special needs. Please go to elcalivingwater.com to learn more about the camps. We ask the families to pay a portion of the camp while we work to raise scholarship. FINANCIALS FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 2018: THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR TREASURES Income Need Difference General Fund 8591.53 10842.59 (1530.28) Synod Benevolence 304.00 782.75 (478.75) Property Fund 646.00 1762.50 (1222.50) 9541.63 13387.84 (3231.53) HERE IS WHAT’S HAPPENING IN OUR NECK OF THE WOODS! Sun., March 4: 8:30 &10AM Holy Communion; Sunday School begins for children at 9:45AM; 11:30 Confirmation Mon., March 5: 8:15AM #Metoo Bible Study; 6PM Bible study at Pastor Sherry’s home. Tues., March 6: Voices Without Borders 6PM; Yoga 6:15 Wed., March 7: Soup Supper 5:30, Lenten Service 6PM, Paper Pantry Set Up after service; Chimes 6:30PM, Choir 7:15PM Thurs., March 8: Pastor Sherry out of town for the day Fri., March 9: Sat., March 10: Sun., March 11: 8:30 & 10AM Holy Communion Services. Sunday school for children 9:45AM MARK YOUR CALENDARS: ü April: soup kitchen ü Elementary school pool party coming up!!! ü Confirmation Schedule: March 18, April 15, April 22, May 6, May 20. ü March 9: Fundraiser event…Canvas Painting Class 6:30PM at the church. Fundraiser is for youth camps. PRAYERS REQUESTED · For those in the armed services: Michael Drake, Ryan Finley, Jeremy Hamal, Douglas Dinger, Derik Dinger · Diana Tahtinen · Sue Finley · Carolyn Schotts (family of Wayne and Priscilla Meyer) · Terry Mast through cancer (family of Wayne and Priscilla Meyer) · Russ Mast and his family at his death (family of Wayne and Priscilla Meyer) · Jan Mast for healing (family of Wayne and Priscilla Meyer) · Deb Manker · Pam Banwell and family (sister-in-law to Pam Campbell) · Fred Lee (brother to Jean Smith) · Del Hurd (friend of Jean and Mike Smith) · Richard John · Steve Moreno (family of Dagny King, Gail Kloss, Dan Bays, Terri Bays, Denise Bays, Gwyn Moreno) · Healing for the family of Kathy Rusche · George, friend of Tom Olsen · Jeff Hamal · Carolyn Matzinger · Lynn Engdahl as she recovers from pneumonia at home · Thomas Parcher and the Martin family, family of JoAnn Wilder & Boyne Manges · Sheri, friend of Kathy Rusche · Juliana Lind, niece of Lori Lind Ryan · Rebecca Johnson; friend of Irene Feeley · Marcia Froelich, family of Kathy Phelps-Rusche · Hefrani Smith (daughter of Dan and Maggie Smith). · Lisa Lanning (family of Tricia Rodgers) · Jay Richards, great uncle of Tricia Rodgers · Mandy Meckstroth, sister-in-law to David Meckstroth · Jerry Moots (brother of Bev Engel) as he heals · Lois Moots · Leah Scott (David Meckstroth’s sister) · Craig Finley and family (brother of Sue Finley) · Nancy (friend of Lynn and Gordy Engdahl) · Sandy (friend of Carolyn Matzinger) o Glenna Arends o Elliott Drake at Seminary o Nancy Wehrenberg o Ruth Koski (mother of Gail Drake) o Nan Olson (friend of Lynn and Gordy Engdahl) o Ron Rodgers (brother of David Rodgers) o Erica Riviera (cousin of Dean Morford) o Val Long, Kenny Clark, CJ, BHC (friends of T. Rodgers) o Elaine L Flesch, SEM, Magan Rodriguez, Mark France (friends of Rodgers) o Luke, Jamie, Mark, Miriam & Aaron Ulrich (family of Lois Ulrich) o Orphans in Haiti (Donna Smith) o Citizens of Flint, Detroit and Howell, whose water is also failing. o Those who are being subjected to hate and violence in this world because of racism, genderism, sexism. Comments are closed.
September 2020