4/26/2018 April 26th, 2018April 26, 2018
Dear Congregation, Thank you for your stewardship of our property, the Word of God, and our finances. With your generosity of time, talents, and treasures, we are a church that is moving forward, but we are having some financial setbacks. When we met in January 2018 for our annual meeting, we focused on our deficit spending moving into 2018. The congregation passed a budget that invited us into the shared cost of ministry and outreach at Cross of Christ Lutheran Church. We agreed that this budget was something that we could do together, if we increased our giving. And while we are doing better, we are still under what we need to bring in to meet our monthly budget obligations. Paying our bills in 2018 has required the Church Council to approve removing funds from our Memorial Fund. If we continue in this way, we will completely deplete our Memorial Fund. If we allow this to occur, we will not be able to continue the critical ministry programs we have established. We have faith we can raise the funds to meet our bare-bones budget, but need your help and commitment to do so. Please attend our one service on Sunday, April 29th at 10AM followed by a brief update on our finances where you can see numbers, vision and goals from the council. A Pot Luck will follow the meeting with a spring theme…picnic in the church….we want to welcome in new visions, the possibility of hope in the midst of this last winter bite, and time to talk to one another. We have been called by God to be one Body! Together, where two or more are gathered in the name of Christ, God’s will is done. So let us pray together, work together, contribute together and play together. You will find a Simply Giving form in your church mailbox or click here to download one. Please pray about giving using this format. David Meckstroth can answer your questions. Yes, this is a serious time for our congregation financially, yet we are moved each moment by the Holy Spirit who leads us into all of the wonderful possibilities ahead of us with the vision for the parsonage land, the giving and building of our church physically and spiritually, and the desire to evolve here in this place as God’s vessels of love. Thank you Comments are closed.
September 2020