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MAINTENANCE: The Maintenance Team seeks people who can volunteer their time and talents in specialized skills as well as cleaning the church and church yard during the spring, recycling, and other needs at the church and parsonage as they present themselves.
VISION: To assist the congregation in the stewardship of the church and parsonage property, helping to create a safe place for ministry, with as little expense and time lost, for the glory of God
FINANCES AND CAPITAL FUNDS: The Finance Team of the Management Team focuses on the finances of the congregation and the cost of ministry needs. This team seeks volunteers who are gifted in financial matters, vision, and capital campaigns for larger projects such as building changes and updates, and the annual audit of the books.
VISION: To be responsible stewards of the financial activities and financial ministries of the congregation through Christ
STEWARDSHIP: This group is part of the financial planning ministry of Cross of Christ and seeks volunteers to help with organization, celebration meals, mailings, and faith sharing moments with the congregation. This group works on empowering the congregation as good stewards of time, talent, and treasures.
VISION: To organize and implement a program throughout the year which will inspire the congregation in caring and sharing of their time, talents, and treasures for the faith based ministry of Cross of Christ.
Community Life : Seeks volunteers in many areas to share the word of Christ as mandated in the greatest command: "To love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul and to love our neighbors as ourselves."
Evangelism: To touch both churched and unchurched members of our community and to share the love of God with them.
Ministries: To empower the congregation by the power of the Spirit to make a difference in the lives of brothers and sisters throughout this world through education, service, and leadership (see descriptions of current ministries below).
Publicity: To secure publicity thereby sharing the celebration of Christ at Cross of Christ.
Fundraising: To aid in funding selected church ministries by passing noisy offering cans as part of Sunday services, holding a yearly garage sale, writing grants, and developing other means of funding.
Parish Life Team: This team oversees the parish ministries of our congregation such as Sunday School, Bible Studies, Women's groups, and different ministries of the church, such as Christmas and Vacation Bible School programs, in order to continue the vows made at Baptism to educate all children of God with the Word of God. Parish Life Team also sets the calendar for monthly fellowship events for the congregation and friends.
SUNDAY/CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: This team seeks volunteers to teach classes from preschool to adult ages
VISION: To welcome all children and adults with the Word of God through teaching, sharing faith, and serving in the name of Christ
FELLOWSHIP TEAM: This team focuses on the congregational monthly fellowship activities including the Hayride, Christmas caroling, pot lucks, picnics, and other recreational events.
VISION: To create an atmosphere of celebration and hospitality to the community with the family of Cross of Christ in the name of God the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, always welcoming the stranger.
Worship & Music: Worship and Music seeks people with a vision of expressing God's love through worship and music. This team seeks volunteers for worship services and for special services.
VISION: To enhance our relationship with God through worship and music by
Providing enjoyable and meaningful worship opportunities for members and guests
Re-affirming the message that ALL ARE WELCOME
MAINTENANCE: The Maintenance Team seeks people who can volunteer their time and talents in specialized skills as well as cleaning the church and church yard during the spring, recycling, and other needs at the church and parsonage as they present themselves.
VISION: To assist the congregation in the stewardship of the church and parsonage property, helping to create a safe place for ministry, with as little expense and time lost, for the glory of God
FINANCES AND CAPITAL FUNDS: The Finance Team of the Management Team focuses on the finances of the congregation and the cost of ministry needs. This team seeks volunteers who are gifted in financial matters, vision, and capital campaigns for larger projects such as building changes and updates, and the annual audit of the books.
VISION: To be responsible stewards of the financial activities and financial ministries of the congregation through Christ
STEWARDSHIP: This group is part of the financial planning ministry of Cross of Christ and seeks volunteers to help with organization, celebration meals, mailings, and faith sharing moments with the congregation. This group works on empowering the congregation as good stewards of time, talent, and treasures.
VISION: To organize and implement a program throughout the year which will inspire the congregation in caring and sharing of their time, talents, and treasures for the faith based ministry of Cross of Christ.
Community Life : Seeks volunteers in many areas to share the word of Christ as mandated in the greatest command: "To love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul and to love our neighbors as ourselves."
Evangelism: To touch both churched and unchurched members of our community and to share the love of God with them.
Ministries: To empower the congregation by the power of the Spirit to make a difference in the lives of brothers and sisters throughout this world through education, service, and leadership (see descriptions of current ministries below).
Publicity: To secure publicity thereby sharing the celebration of Christ at Cross of Christ.
Fundraising: To aid in funding selected church ministries by passing noisy offering cans as part of Sunday services, holding a yearly garage sale, writing grants, and developing other means of funding.
Parish Life Team: This team oversees the parish ministries of our congregation such as Sunday School, Bible Studies, Women's groups, and different ministries of the church, such as Christmas and Vacation Bible School programs, in order to continue the vows made at Baptism to educate all children of God with the Word of God. Parish Life Team also sets the calendar for monthly fellowship events for the congregation and friends.
SUNDAY/CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: This team seeks volunteers to teach classes from preschool to adult ages
VISION: To welcome all children and adults with the Word of God through teaching, sharing faith, and serving in the name of Christ
FELLOWSHIP TEAM: This team focuses on the congregational monthly fellowship activities including the Hayride, Christmas caroling, pot lucks, picnics, and other recreational events.
VISION: To create an atmosphere of celebration and hospitality to the community with the family of Cross of Christ in the name of God the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, always welcoming the stranger.
Worship & Music: Worship and Music seeks people with a vision of expressing God's love through worship and music. This team seeks volunteers for worship services and for special services.
VISION: To enhance our relationship with God through worship and music by
Providing enjoyable and meaningful worship opportunities for members and guests
Re-affirming the message that ALL ARE WELCOME