Council Liaisons: Gail Drake (347-0773) and Rob Manges (348-9857)
This team oversees the parish ministries of our congregation such as Sunday School, Bible Studies, Women's groups, and different ministries of the church, such as Christmas and Vacation Bible School programs, in order to continue the vows made at Baptism to educate all children of God with the Word of God. Parish Life Team also sets the calendar for monthly fellowship events for the congregation and friends.
SUNDAY SCHOOL: This team seeks volunteers to teach classes from preschool to adult ages
VISION: To welcome all children and adults with the Word of God through teaching, sharing faith, and serving in the name of Christ
CONTACT: Pastor Sherry McGuffin (487-9145)
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: This team empowers volunteers to serve and love children through an energetically charged event where children are empowered to share their faith.
VISION: To embrace the community in the name of Christ sharing God's love through love, leadership, and service using the Scripture and ecumenical partnerships.
CONTACT: Pastor Sherry McGuffin (487-9145)
CHRISTMAS PROGRAM: The children's Christmas program at Cross of Christ requires many volunteers for costuming, music, and reading needs, as well as adults to help organize the celebration of the birth of Christ empowering our children to share the story of Christ in the community.
VISION: Children are empowered to share the story of the birth of Jesus using Scripture and creativity.
CONTACT: Volunteers
CONFIRMATION PROGRAM: This program seeks adult mentors for students in the 7th and 8th grades for faith sharing and support throughout the two years of study of catechism and the Bible.
VISION: Confirmation ministry is the gathering of 7th and 8th graders who study God's word and serve as Jesus serves in order to share and affirm the faith given to us through the grace of God the Father, Son, Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus.
CONTACT: Pastor Sherry McGuffin (347-5448)
BIBLE STUDIES: Bible Study groups seek volunteers to lead and implement new Bible Studies for a short term or long term.
VISION: To empower people with the word of God to continually grow in faith of God the Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
CONTACT: Pastor Sherry McGuffin (347-5448)
DEBORAH CIRCLE: The "Lutheran Woman Today" magazine from Augsburg Fortress Publishers is used as the Bible Study guide for this group of women who gather monthly to study, share, and experience the word of God.
VISION: A gathering of women who encourage one another in the growth of the Spirit through study, sharing, focusing on women's issues, and fellowship.
CONTACT: Dolores Wehrenberg (535-2942)
ELDERBERRIES: Elderberries is the gathering of those who have retired to celebrate the gifts of God through fellowship and service. This group meets monthly.
VISION: To celebrate the gifts of God in one another as we join together in fellowship and to serve the church and community through different benevolences.
CONTACT: Norm Cutshall (347-2575)
SENIOR HIGH YOUTH GROUP: Senior High Youth Group is for all students grades 9-12 and their friends. This group seeks adult volunteers to plan, host, drive, and support them the first and third Sundays of every month and extra planned activities.
VISION: To gather twice a month to share in a Christian group their gifts as children of God through fellowship, worship, and service, and to provide a safe place for teenagers to gather.
CONTACT: Pastor Sherry McGuffin (347-5448)
MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH: Middle School Youth is for all students in grades 6-8 and their friends. This group meets twice a month and seeks adult volunteers to host, drive, plan, and organize monthly events.
VISION: To connect students with one another in a Christian environment to enjoy fellowship, worship, and serve in the name of Christ.
CONTACT: Pastor Sherry McGuffin (347-5448)
FELLOWSHIP TEAM: This team focuses on the congregational monthly fellowship activities including the Hayride, Christmas caroling, pot lucks, picnics, and other recreational events.
VISION: To create an atmosphere of celebration and hospitality to the community with the family of Cross of Christ in the name of God the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, always welcoming the stranger.
LIAISON: Gail Drake (347-0773) (and contact persons for each event)
2010 EVENTSMonthly 1st and 3rd Fridays: Craft Night
Contact: Tricia Rodgers (347-4287)January 31, 2010: Annual Meeting and Pot Luck
Pastor Sherry McGuffin
February 14. 2010: Senior High Spaghetti Fund Raising dinner
February 16, 2010: Shrove Tuesday Pancake dinner
Joe Palm
February 17, 2010: Ash Wednesday Service at Cross of Christ
February 24 through March 24, 2010: Soup Supper at Cross of Christ
Pastor Sherry McGuffin
April 4, 2010: Easter Celebration
May 2, 2010: Bowling with the congregation “Lutherans on a Roll”
Dave and Kasi Meckstroth
May 23, 2010: Pentecost and Confirmation
(This year there are no students confirming)
Pastor Sherry
May 23, 2010: Last Day of Sunday School
May 30, 2010: Recognition of graduates
June 27, 2010: Church Family Picnic
Marilyn Cusenza and Gail Drake
July 11, 2010: Bike Ride:
Michael and Bill Drake
August 10, 11, 12: Family Camp out/Revival
Shawn Young, Vicki Morgan, Kris Olsen, Pastor Sherry McGuffin
September 19: Rally Day and Sunday School begins
October 3, 2010: Confirmation begins
October 17, 2010: Congregational Hayride
October 31, 2010: Reformation Dinner
Senior High Youth and Becky Bozell and Shane Brown
November 14, 2010: Stewardship Dinner/program
Stewardship Committee
December 1, 2010: Advent Soup Suppers at Emmanuel Episcopal Church begin
December 9, 2010: Women’s Ornament Exchange/Secret Sister
December 19, 2010: Sunday School Christmas Program
Vicki Morgan and Julie Pierpont
CRAFT NIGHT: This group gathers the first and third Fridays of each month to scrapbook, sew, do needle point, and other crafts. This groups shares in fellowship and support.
VISION: To create a relaxing space for crafters to enjoy each other's company and creativity
CONTACT: Tricia Rodgers (347-4287)
Council Liaisons: Gail Drake (347-0773) and Rob Manges (348-9857)
This team oversees the parish ministries of our congregation such as Sunday School, Bible Studies, Women's groups, and different ministries of the church, such as Christmas and Vacation Bible School programs, in order to continue the vows made at Baptism to educate all children of God with the Word of God. Parish Life Team also sets the calendar for monthly fellowship events for the congregation and friends.
SUNDAY SCHOOL: This team seeks volunteers to teach classes from preschool to adult ages
VISION: To welcome all children and adults with the Word of God through teaching, sharing faith, and serving in the name of Christ
CONTACT: Pastor Sherry McGuffin (487-9145)
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: This team empowers volunteers to serve and love children through an energetically charged event where children are empowered to share their faith.
VISION: To embrace the community in the name of Christ sharing God's love through love, leadership, and service using the Scripture and ecumenical partnerships.
CONTACT: Pastor Sherry McGuffin (487-9145)
CHRISTMAS PROGRAM: The children's Christmas program at Cross of Christ requires many volunteers for costuming, music, and reading needs, as well as adults to help organize the celebration of the birth of Christ empowering our children to share the story of Christ in the community.
VISION: Children are empowered to share the story of the birth of Jesus using Scripture and creativity.
CONTACT: Volunteers
CONFIRMATION PROGRAM: This program seeks adult mentors for students in the 7th and 8th grades for faith sharing and support throughout the two years of study of catechism and the Bible.
VISION: Confirmation ministry is the gathering of 7th and 8th graders who study God's word and serve as Jesus serves in order to share and affirm the faith given to us through the grace of God the Father, Son, Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus.
CONTACT: Pastor Sherry McGuffin (347-5448)
BIBLE STUDIES: Bible Study groups seek volunteers to lead and implement new Bible Studies for a short term or long term.
VISION: To empower people with the word of God to continually grow in faith of God the Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
CONTACT: Pastor Sherry McGuffin (347-5448)
DEBORAH CIRCLE: The "Lutheran Woman Today" magazine from Augsburg Fortress Publishers is used as the Bible Study guide for this group of women who gather monthly to study, share, and experience the word of God.
VISION: A gathering of women who encourage one another in the growth of the Spirit through study, sharing, focusing on women's issues, and fellowship.
CONTACT: Dolores Wehrenberg (535-2942)
ELDERBERRIES: Elderberries is the gathering of those who have retired to celebrate the gifts of God through fellowship and service. This group meets monthly.
VISION: To celebrate the gifts of God in one another as we join together in fellowship and to serve the church and community through different benevolences.
CONTACT: Norm Cutshall (347-2575)
SENIOR HIGH YOUTH GROUP: Senior High Youth Group is for all students grades 9-12 and their friends. This group seeks adult volunteers to plan, host, drive, and support them the first and third Sundays of every month and extra planned activities.
VISION: To gather twice a month to share in a Christian group their gifts as children of God through fellowship, worship, and service, and to provide a safe place for teenagers to gather.
CONTACT: Pastor Sherry McGuffin (347-5448)
MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH: Middle School Youth is for all students in grades 6-8 and their friends. This group meets twice a month and seeks adult volunteers to host, drive, plan, and organize monthly events.
VISION: To connect students with one another in a Christian environment to enjoy fellowship, worship, and serve in the name of Christ.
CONTACT: Pastor Sherry McGuffin (347-5448)
FELLOWSHIP TEAM: This team focuses on the congregational monthly fellowship activities including the Hayride, Christmas caroling, pot lucks, picnics, and other recreational events.
VISION: To create an atmosphere of celebration and hospitality to the community with the family of Cross of Christ in the name of God the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, always welcoming the stranger.
LIAISON: Gail Drake (347-0773) (and contact persons for each event)
2010 EVENTSMonthly 1st and 3rd Fridays: Craft Night
Contact: Tricia Rodgers (347-4287)January 31, 2010: Annual Meeting and Pot Luck
Pastor Sherry McGuffin
February 14. 2010: Senior High Spaghetti Fund Raising dinner
February 16, 2010: Shrove Tuesday Pancake dinner
Joe Palm
February 17, 2010: Ash Wednesday Service at Cross of Christ
February 24 through March 24, 2010: Soup Supper at Cross of Christ
Pastor Sherry McGuffin
April 4, 2010: Easter Celebration
May 2, 2010: Bowling with the congregation “Lutherans on a Roll”
Dave and Kasi Meckstroth
May 23, 2010: Pentecost and Confirmation
(This year there are no students confirming)
Pastor Sherry
May 23, 2010: Last Day of Sunday School
May 30, 2010: Recognition of graduates
June 27, 2010: Church Family Picnic
Marilyn Cusenza and Gail Drake
July 11, 2010: Bike Ride:
Michael and Bill Drake
August 10, 11, 12: Family Camp out/Revival
Shawn Young, Vicki Morgan, Kris Olsen, Pastor Sherry McGuffin
September 19: Rally Day and Sunday School begins
October 3, 2010: Confirmation begins
October 17, 2010: Congregational Hayride
October 31, 2010: Reformation Dinner
Senior High Youth and Becky Bozell and Shane Brown
November 14, 2010: Stewardship Dinner/program
Stewardship Committee
December 1, 2010: Advent Soup Suppers at Emmanuel Episcopal Church begin
December 9, 2010: Women’s Ornament Exchange/Secret Sister
December 19, 2010: Sunday School Christmas Program
Vicki Morgan and Julie Pierpont
CRAFT NIGHT: This group gathers the first and third Fridays of each month to scrapbook, sew, do needle point, and other crafts. This groups shares in fellowship and support.
VISION: To create a relaxing space for crafters to enjoy each other's company and creativity
CONTACT: Tricia Rodgers (347-4287)