(last updated 4/29/2016 pmr)
- Thank you for sharing in the ministry of worship as a lector. You are a blessing to us as you share the Scripture with some folks who have never heard it before!
- You will receive the Scripture readings the week prior to your assigned Sunday so that you can practice reading out loud before worship service.
- The Lector will read a lesson from the Old Testament, the Psalm (unless the Psalm has been assigned to the cantor), and the Epistle (or second reading). You will need to check with the Music Director in advance of the service to see if the Psalm is being sung by the cantor or if you will be leading the congregation in the readings.
- Practice reading in advance and ask the Pastor for pronunciation questions especially names and places.
- The First Reading: You may chose to read from the bulletin/celebrate insert or use your own Bible or any other version that you would like.
- Lector says: The first reading comes from the ____ chapter of _____ verses _____ through _____.
- After the reading is completed, the Lector says: The word of the Lord.
- The Psalm: Check with the Music Director to see if the Psalm will be sung or read during the service. The Psalms are located in the psalm section of the red hymnal and in the bulletin. If the Psalm is to be read you need to chose a way in which that will take place:
- Whole verse by whole verse. This means that the Lector reads the entire first verse and the congregation responds with the reading of the entire second verse.
- Responsively: This means that the Lector reads the first verse up until the asterisk and the congregation reads the second part of the first verse.
- In Unison: This means that the entire congregation reads the psalm together, following the lead of the lector.
- The Second Reading: This lesson usually comes from the Letters of Paul found in the New Testament. Again, you may use the celebrate insert/bulletin or you may use your own Bible or different version for the reading.
- Begin the reading by saying: The second reading comes from the _____ chapter of _____ verses ____ through _____.
- Read the Scripture slowly and clearly and loudly – and make sure the microphone is close to your mouth.
- At the end of the reading say: The word of the Lord.
- You may choose to read the Scriptures from the ambo (the moveable podium) or from the center of the worship area.
- Practice reading in advance. Remember that this may be the only time that some will ever hear the stories of Jesus and God’s salvation history. Speak clearly and loudly and this will help those who have trouble hearing as well.
- If you cannot volunteer on the scheduled day, please inform the church office of the substitute that you found so that materials may be given to them in advance (347-5448 or [email protected]).
- THANK YOU for your time and talents. Your ministry is treasured!
(last updated 4/29/2016 pmr)