1. Arrive fifteen minutes early.
2. Check the newsletter list to see who the volunteers are for the service.
3. As the Head Usher, you will need to double check that all responsibilities are taken care of.
4. If the acolyte is not present, please light the candles.
5. Make sure that hymnals are equally distributed.
6. As the head usher, you may assisting the Pastor with the distribution of communion. After the Great Thanksgiving the Pastor will say, “The meal is ready/prepared…” – this is when you will come forward with the acolyte and take communion. The head usher will commune the Pastor and then the Pastor will commune the head usher and the acolyte. During the distribution, the head usher will give the wine saying, “This is the blood of Christ shed for you” or “The blood of Christ given for you”. If there is an assisting minister and acolyte, then you will not need to assist with Holy Communion.
7. Process offerings as instructed. The offering sheets are found on the usher’s table.
8. Tear out the pages on which people have signed in the friendship pad and put them in secretary’s mailbox (bottom right most mailbox) after each service, returning each pad to its row. Ensure there is a friendship form and usable pen/pencil in each friendship pad. Extra friendship forms are in the church office, as is a pencil sharpener.
9. Flower chair will distribute flowers after late service unless otherwise notified.
10. Make sure Holy Communion is cleared and put away by a member of Altar guild or yourself.
11. When leaving, make sure all doors are locked, especially the side door by the pulpit and that the last person here will lock the inside double doors.
(last updated 4/29/2016 PMR)
1. Arrive fifteen minutes early.
2. Check the newsletter list to see who the volunteers are for the service.
- If someone is not here for the service, either appoint a substitute or fill in yourself.
- Please double check to see that someone has prepared the bread and poured the wine in the cups and the decanter.
3. As the Head Usher, you will need to double check that all responsibilities are taken care of.
- Make sure the count has been taken.
- Make sure that the windows are opened/closed.
- Make sure that the lights have been turned on/off.
- Make sure that prayer requests have been given to the pastor.
- Make sure volunteer positions are filled
4. If the acolyte is not present, please light the candles.
5. Make sure that hymnals are equally distributed.
6. As the head usher, you may assisting the Pastor with the distribution of communion. After the Great Thanksgiving the Pastor will say, “The meal is ready/prepared…” – this is when you will come forward with the acolyte and take communion. The head usher will commune the Pastor and then the Pastor will commune the head usher and the acolyte. During the distribution, the head usher will give the wine saying, “This is the blood of Christ shed for you” or “The blood of Christ given for you”. If there is an assisting minister and acolyte, then you will not need to assist with Holy Communion.
7. Process offerings as instructed. The offering sheets are found on the usher’s table.
8. Tear out the pages on which people have signed in the friendship pad and put them in secretary’s mailbox (bottom right most mailbox) after each service, returning each pad to its row. Ensure there is a friendship form and usable pen/pencil in each friendship pad. Extra friendship forms are in the church office, as is a pencil sharpener.
9. Flower chair will distribute flowers after late service unless otherwise notified.
10. Make sure Holy Communion is cleared and put away by a member of Altar guild or yourself.
11. When leaving, make sure all doors are locked, especially the side door by the pulpit and that the last person here will lock the inside double doors.
(last updated 4/29/2016 PMR)