1. Thank you for volunteering as cantor. As cantor, you will need to know the liturgical setting and from which book we are worshiping. You should receive this information in the reminder letter or e-mail sent to you the week prior to your volunteer date.
2. You will lead the Kyrie and at times the Hymn of Praise. After speaking to the Music Director, you will also, at times, cant the Psalm.
3. The cantor also holds the responsibility of leading the congregation in song and to help the congregation “find its voice.” Here are some good habits for singing the psalm:
4. There may be times when, during a communion hymn, you will be asked to sing a verse or help to chant or intone. It is very important to speak with the Music Director days prior to worship so that you can better prepare.
5. Please make sure that you find a volunteer if you will not be present during an assigned Sunday. And please call the church office so that the head usher can be made aware of the changes.
6. If you have any questions, please call the church office at 347-5448 or e-mail at [email protected]
(last updated 4/2016 PMR)
1. Thank you for volunteering as cantor. As cantor, you will need to know the liturgical setting and from which book we are worshiping. You should receive this information in the reminder letter or e-mail sent to you the week prior to your volunteer date.
2. You will lead the Kyrie and at times the Hymn of Praise. After speaking to the Music Director, you will also, at times, cant the Psalm.
3. The cantor also holds the responsibility of leading the congregation in song and to help the congregation “find its voice.” Here are some good habits for singing the psalm:
- a. When intoning the response, sing as clearly as possible.
- b. Keep the tempo moving and don’t slow down at the end of the phrase. (You not only aid the congregation’s participation by singing the notes and words, but by establishing a tempo!)
- c. Don’t trail off at the end of phrases.
- d. Sing the verse in a relaxed tempo. If it is too fast or too slow, it is difficult to understand.
- e. Let the text dictate breathing and articulation.
- f. Remember that the psalm is Scripture, which you are proclaiming in song.
4. There may be times when, during a communion hymn, you will be asked to sing a verse or help to chant or intone. It is very important to speak with the Music Director days prior to worship so that you can better prepare.
5. Please make sure that you find a volunteer if you will not be present during an assigned Sunday. And please call the church office so that the head usher can be made aware of the changes.
6. If you have any questions, please call the church office at 347-5448 or e-mail at [email protected]
(last updated 4/2016 PMR)