1. Meet in Pastor Sherry’s office at least 15 minutes before the service.
2. Choose a robe that best suits you and then get dressed.
3. Make sure that your snuffer/lighter has a wick in it so that you can light the candles. The extra wicks are in the lower communion cabinet near the refrigerator.
4. Lighting the candles: Have an usher light the wick for you. Then approach the table where the candles are with respect. Stop and bow as you get to the step to light the candles. Then light the right candle, then the left candle. Return to your seat after placing the candle lighter in the stand.
5. During Holy Communion you will come up with the Assisting Minister or head usher. At that time Pastor Sherry, or whoever is distributing communion, will give you Holy Communion. After you are done, you will take the empty tray and you will collect the empty glasses. If there is common cup (when we use one cup) you will stand in front of the table with the carafe of wine in case those distributing need more.
6. At the end of the service you will wait until the 2nd to the last line of the hymn and then you will go to extinguish (put out) the candles. Use your snuffer. Extinguish the left candle first then the right.
7. If there is a baptism, Pastor Sherry will call you in advance so that you will know what to do.
8. Sometimes during Advent you will have to light the advent wreath as well. You will discuss this with Pastor Sherry before the service.
9. During the service you are to sit with Pastor Sherry or the Assisting Minister and participate in the service. You may not leave to use the bathroom unless it is an emergency. You may not leave unless the Assisting Minister or Pastor Sherry give you permission or ask you to do something to help the service.
10. You may invite a friend to sit with you, but they must not leave the service either. They can be your worship buddy or your acolyte buddy, which is important to have!
11. After the service, make sure that you hang up your robe, place the snuffer in the sanctuary making sure that the wick is long enough for the next service.
12. Thank you so much for your ministry as an acolyte!
(last updated 4/2016 PMR)
1. Meet in Pastor Sherry’s office at least 15 minutes before the service.
2. Choose a robe that best suits you and then get dressed.
3. Make sure that your snuffer/lighter has a wick in it so that you can light the candles. The extra wicks are in the lower communion cabinet near the refrigerator.
4. Lighting the candles: Have an usher light the wick for you. Then approach the table where the candles are with respect. Stop and bow as you get to the step to light the candles. Then light the right candle, then the left candle. Return to your seat after placing the candle lighter in the stand.
5. During Holy Communion you will come up with the Assisting Minister or head usher. At that time Pastor Sherry, or whoever is distributing communion, will give you Holy Communion. After you are done, you will take the empty tray and you will collect the empty glasses. If there is common cup (when we use one cup) you will stand in front of the table with the carafe of wine in case those distributing need more.
6. At the end of the service you will wait until the 2nd to the last line of the hymn and then you will go to extinguish (put out) the candles. Use your snuffer. Extinguish the left candle first then the right.
7. If there is a baptism, Pastor Sherry will call you in advance so that you will know what to do.
8. Sometimes during Advent you will have to light the advent wreath as well. You will discuss this with Pastor Sherry before the service.
9. During the service you are to sit with Pastor Sherry or the Assisting Minister and participate in the service. You may not leave to use the bathroom unless it is an emergency. You may not leave unless the Assisting Minister or Pastor Sherry give you permission or ask you to do something to help the service.
10. You may invite a friend to sit with you, but they must not leave the service either. They can be your worship buddy or your acolyte buddy, which is important to have!
11. After the service, make sure that you hang up your robe, place the snuffer in the sanctuary making sure that the wick is long enough for the next service.
12. Thank you so much for your ministry as an acolyte!
(last updated 4/2016 PMR)